Until you passed on

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She sat on the edge of the bed and opened up Her arms for me to curl up into.Without hesitation I did just that.I laid my head on her chest she began to rock me side to side I still cried though but I was even more calm then before.it hurts I know it dose baby I looked up at her she had never called me that before.Im right here she sighed as I began to sob again.she rubbed my back and said shhh mist it's ok she whispered in my ear.i still kept crying as she began to sing.Look to the stars my darling baby girl I stopped sobbing but my tears kept falling.Life is strange and vast she sang.Filled with wonders and joys.You see the good in every one with eyes clear and true I'm not afraid of the unknown as long as I get to face it all with you.I drifted off to sleep As Emily kissed my head.That was beautiful Emily Jj said sitting next Emily and I on the bed.Thank you It was a lullaby that my mom sang to me when I was her age.You love her don't you Morgan said of course I do Emily said softly as she kissed my head again.I love her more than anything more than anything.That does bring up a good point Jj said I felt Emily bring me closer to her chest.What is it she asked That body we found in the river is over 5 years old.You mean It's her mother?Emily said sounding scared there's no doubt Rossi said the time frame matches up perfectly with what mist has told us.We found a bracelet buried on the bank it has different charms on it and one of the charms says I love my little girl.Maybe mist remembers it Jj said I don't know if she dose she hasn't said anything about it Emily said Jj pulled it out of her pocket to show everyone when I herd the jingling of the charms on the bracelet my eyes shot open Everyone went silent when I sat up.The bracelet was in a plastic bag.it was all dirty and muddy.I looked up at Emily and she looked down at me she nodded and kissed my head in response.I crawled over to where Jj was sitting and I sat down next to her.She handed me the plastic bag and as soon as I took it I started crying.mist sweet girl what happened Jj asked I didn't respond.Emily took me in her arms and held me Mist what's wrong Emily asked nothing I said with an attitude I crawled out of Emily's arms and sat near the window Emily had a hurt look on her
face.Witch made me regret snapping at her.
Can I talk to her alone Emily asked her team in a sad voice suer Em Jj said as they left the room.I sat there staring out the window with tears streaming down my face Mist?Emily asked Are you ok I still didn't answer Mist she said again is there something you want to tell me you're going to be mad at me if I told you I said I will not get mad at you sweetie I promise I looked over my shoulder at her and I gave her a weak sweet smile.I crawled over to her and back into her arms she used her hand to gently wipe away my tears then she wrapped her arms around me.I sighed I didn't tell you guys the whole truth about my mom.What do you mean She asked my mom actually loved me.oh she said relived.I took a deep breath and told her everything.I was just a newborn and I was in my moms arms for the first time.Hi my little bundle of joy she said her voice was so warm and it made me feel so safe.Im going to call you miracle because you're such a miracle to me she whispered into my ear.I remember how excited my dad was when he walked into the room and saw me for the first time.Where's my son he said happily.It's a girl my mom said happily.A girl?my dad said disgustedly.I don't want a girl he said I wanted a boy get rid of her or I will.Shes my daughter to max and I'm keeping her if you like it or not.My dad stormed out of the room.Im sorry about that you're father is always like that.He always wanted to have a son.I was so scared ever since I became pregnant with you Because I thought you were going to be a boy and you were going to be just like your dad.I was so scared that I wanted it all to end I wanted to kill my self.Until I went to get my first ultrasound and when I found out that I was having you I decided to keep you.You saved my life and that's the reason why I'm naming you miracle.I responded to the name all through my childhood My mom wore that bracelet on her wrist all the time as well.I was beaten a lot by my dad because I was such a mistake to him.when my mom wasn't around he would be beat me even harder because when she was around she protected me from him.Thats the reason why they fought a lot when I was younger my mom was fighting for me.So he killed my mom to get to me because he didn't want to have a daughter but my mom did.Thats the reason why he wants to kill me So badly and sometimes I do wonder was i really a mistake.You are not a mistake mist not to me Emily said Im not going to let your dad hurt you ok I nodded my head.Your mom would of been so proud of you Just like I am and I will love you and take care of you just your mom did she kissed my cheek I'm going to go talk to Hotch about you keeping the bracelet if you want it of course I do I said as she walked out.As soon as she shut the door I looked out the window again and looked up at the moon then I started to sing.YOU GAVE ME LIFE RIGHT FROM THE BEGINNING YOU BROUGHT ME INTO THIS WORLD .NOT KNOWING THAT I HAD JUST SAVED YOUR LIFE YOU NAMED MIRACLE BEFORE YOU PASSED ON.THROUGH ALL OF THE UBUSE AND BAD WORDS YOU NEVER LEFT MY SIDE NOT EVEN OUNCE.YOU TOUGHT ME HOW TO BE BRAVE AND HOW TO STAND MY GROUND.YOU FOUGHT FOR ME AND YOU LOVED ME BEFORE YOU PASSED ON AND 5 YEARS HAVE GONE BY I HAVE A NEW FAMILY AND A NEW MOM BUT I KNOW THAT YOU CAN NEVER BE REPLACED AND I NEVER GOT TO TELL YOU THAT I LOVE YOU BEFORE YOU PASSED ON.I love you mom I said wiping my tears.Mist?I turned around startled Jj I said surprised I didn't hear you come in.Oh sorry she said I wanted to give you your moms bracelet I cleaned it and it's good as new thanks Jj I took the bracelet out of her hand and She helped me put it on my wrist now I had something to remember the women who gave up her life for mine.

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