Who is that?

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Wait you mean you want me to be your daughter I said as tears filled my eyes why of course sweetie why would you think otherwise I don't know maybe because I'm the daughter of a serial killer You are not the daughter of a serial killer You're going to be my daughter as soon as I sign these papers Emily said as she started sighing the adoption papers Tears started rolling down my face as I ran over and threw my arms around Emily's neck I love you Emily I'll be the best daughter that you'll ever have I said I love you to mist Emily said into my ear.a few hours later and We finally landed in Washington DC.I was amazed at all the lights down below and how amazing the capital building looked but it wasn't as amazing as Emily's apartment. it was small but gorgeous.I had my own room with a small window.After I got my pjs on and brushed my teeth and after Emily came in and said good night I went right to sleep.

I was running in the field of sun flowers again and I actually ran into my mothers arms when I saw her oh my sweet miracle she said as she hugged me actually it's mist now mom I said hugging her back oh that's right Emily named you mist well mist from now on my mom said I've been watching you and you are a true hero saving your best friends like that Aww Thanks mom I said Just stay strong my sweet little mist and I love you she said nuzzling me I love you to mom I said nuzzling her back

Good morning mist Emily chirped morning I said tiredly it's time to go meet the president and get that reward Emily said pulling my covers back as I sat up.I stretched as I got out of bed and followed Emily into the kitchen we had breakfast then headed to the White House where we meant up with the rest of the team.We walked into the White House and man it was amazing.We walked down the halls to the Oval Office where the president was waiting.There was a huge tv camera that was in the corner of the room ready to start filming the big moment.Well hello mist the president said shaking my hand it's so nice to finally meet you I've herd amazing things about you me to I said shaking her hand in return.For saving your best friends lives and stopping a cereal killer I give you the medal of bravery she said putting the metal around my neck.My Family cheered as they ran over and hugged me all at Ounce.After leaving the White House Emily,The rest of the team and I all went down to the adoption place to turn in the adoption papers and Ounce they were handed in and excepted by the judge it was official.I was Emily's daughter.That night After we all went over to Rossi's to celebrate.Emily and I went home and watched some tv while cuddling on the couch.A news broadcast came up on the tv about a girl named safira who saved a little boy from getting run over.She reminded me of how my mom saved my life when she was killed.In fact she looked just like her but she had my dads brown hair.I thought about that girl as I went to sleep in Emily's arms.

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