Unfortunate :Chapter 13

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~Narrators POV~
Russia woke up he was in the same position he was in when he fell unconscious. He got up confused and looked around. there where a couple zombie walking around. Russia wondered why they weren't after him. That's when he Realised it. He Realised he had become one of them. Russia was confused they would have eaten him he should have died not become one of them. Why did he turn. Russia got up stumbling a bit. He didn't expect this he expect to be a mindless walking corpse but he still had full control.

~Russia's POV~
I walked around a bit wondering what to do next. I sat down at a gravestone and wondered what I should do. Should I go back to our bunker or would we they shoot me at first sight. I soon started to feel hungry. I knew what I'd have to do but u really didn't want to kill anyone.
I felt a tap on my shoulder and turned around. "A-Ameerrrica" I said looking at him. "Hey R-Rus" he said back. I got up and hugged him. "Woah did you miss me" he joked. I let go and he handed me something. "I thought you might get hungry" he said handing me something. I looked at it them him. "Do I have to..." I asked. "well yeah if you want to keep control of of your self" he replied. "But it looks......Nasty" I replied. America laughed a bit. "Fine but how did you knowing I turned" I asked you confused. "Haha about that" America replied Nervously. "I kinda sorta was the one that turned you. BUT I CAN EXPLAIN"
I gave America a look.
"you see they where you going to kill you and I didn't want to see you like that so I sorta bit you so they won't kill you...."
"Im sorry Im sorry I panicked" he said.
"It's whatever" I replied in a sorta of pissed tone. "Soo you wouldn't know if my familys ok would you" America asked. "well I know Canada is ok but I'm not sure about the others they didn't come with us"
He turned and got saved by America


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⏰ Last updated: May 10, 2020 ⏰

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