Team 7

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3rd POV
"I-Ita-ITAI okay oka— *cough*" this is all Sasuke could hear as he was coming up the stairs. It sounded like Kakashi's voice. Meanwhile~ Naruto was choking his Onii-San half to death for being late...that's normal! "How. Many. Times. Must. I. Tell. You. To. Be. On. Time!" Naruto said while hitting Kakashi. "Hai hai, just stop hitting me pleaseeee" cried Kakashi while dying. "Uh huh, that's what I thought, Kakabaka!" Exclaimed the short blondie. Meanwhile, SasuGAY was in the shadows snickering and considering what his family would think of his potential choice for a life partner. Not that he would let ANYONE know that he was considering the dobe as one...but you know. "SASUKE-KUN WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE EEEEK YOUR SO COOL HIDING IN SHADOWS...NARUTO-BAKA APOLOGIZE FOR ANNOYING SASUKE EARLIER AND RUINING MY CHANCES TO WALK WITH HIM!" '*sigh* the quiet small talk was nice while it lasted' they all thought when the screeching pinky came storming up the stairs. "Okayyyy now that everyone is here why don't you introduce yourselves" said kakaba–*cough* I mean kakashi-sensei. ( kakashi: YOU DID THAT ON PURPOSE! Author-chan: oh did I? Yare yare oops. Kakashi: I CAN STILL KILL YOU! Author-chan: Nah, I think I'll pass~ Kakashi: Omaow- Author-chan: UNO-REVERSE! Naru-chan: ummmm guys you can finish this later did you forget we're still in the story... Author-chan: oh yeah sorry...back to the story Kakashi: No wai–) "Sensei how do we do that?" Said guess who? Correct! The hyena that replaces laughing with screaming. 'Uhh kit isn't she supposed to be kunoichi of the year and the smartest in the class' 'Don't ask Kura...she's only book smart' ANYWAYS "You know tell me your likes, dislikes, dream for the future, blah blah blah" replied the lazy scarecrow. "You should go first sensei"(this is where I had an internal debate over how I spell sensei) "Okay..." 'sigh here we go with his signature introduction' thought the cutest shinobi ever who also has a giant fox in his head. "Well, my name is Kakashi Hatake. I have likes and dislikes...aaaaand I don't have a dream" Kakashi said. "LIES!" Exposed a blond jinjuriki(my spelling is horrible pls don't ask) "NARUTO BAKA DONT TALK LIKE THAT TO OUR SENSEI! ITS NOT LIKE YOU KNOW HIM OR ANYTHING BAKA YOURE JUST STUPID" it said. What? Fine. SaKUra said.
Naruto POV
Oh the irony. Plus that hurt,  jeez what does she eat every morning...I need her to shut up because now I have Kura in my head constantly muttering "can I kill her yet" it sounds like he's summoning a cult but whatever
┐( ̄ー ̄)┌ "hai hai...keep screaming and you'll and you won't be able to talk,—not like you ever do just talk, it's always screeching, but anyways–which means you won't be able to swoon over your SaSuKE-kUn." Welp that shut her up. "Cough cough— okay now back to introductions, pinky why don't you go first" said the gravity defying human I call my brother. (We all know her intro so ima just skip that) "okay next duckbutt emo" *snort* I told him it's not just me "Sasuke Uchiha I don't have many likes...just Itachi and Tomatoes I dislike— no, I hate fangirls, people, everything else." I mean what were we expecting a party with rainbow confetti ( ̄ヘ ̄ ) "okay then, finally the last one... Drop the mask btw just not the name" "hai hai I know... Anyways the name is Naruto Uzumaki, I like Kaka-nii, Ita-nii, Anko-nee, Ibiki-jisan, my real team, foxes, training, ramen, jiji, and reading. My dislikes are... Banshees, people who can't tell the difference between a kunai and the scroll it's sealed in, and... Perverts. My dream for the future is to become the Hokage" that was a lot" okay but what about your favorite colors" said Kaka-nii" " I— what? No." "fineeee, meet me at the training grounds tomorrow early morning... Like before 6:30 got it. Oh and don't eat or you'll puke" then the Scarecrow poofed away." *clap clap* "Okay people y'all better eat, it doesn't have to be big, but you better eat" then I left.
Sakura's POV
That baka, why would we eat when sensei told us not to. "SASU—" he left... DANG IT STUPID NARUTO (I– what did he do?)

Oof sorry for not updating its been... Interesting don't worry y'all I'm not giving up on this book and still have plenty of motivation promise! Okay then, bye people
Naruto: really?
Author-chan: what?
Naruto: nvm
Author-chan: okay then

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