Old Friends

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They actually put us in the hero course.
Two full fledged vigilantes.

He was mostly worried about Katsuki
(I'm pretty sure Katsuki started bullying him at the age of seven, and Izuku left that part of Japan at six after his mother died)
He just left him alone, how would his friend react to him coming back after all of these years, maybe a punch to the shoulder or something like that.

That's how it might go, I hope Katsuki will understand my reasoning behind leaving. He probably won't want me to call him Kachaan. That was the old Izuku's name.

Izuku is now a stone cold, protective, little shit. He's no longer delicate and fragile.

Maybe that would catch Katsuki off guard, considering he was a crybaby last time Katsu had seen him.

Today was the first day, Sou and I got to class way before it started. I didn't want my scarred face to be exposed to the world, but here we are.

The moment Katsuki walked in and saw me, he did a double take.

"Izuku, you're alive." He spoke softly

"Yeah I am Katsuki, how have you been?" I looked down nervously.

He ran at lightning speed and hugged me.

"W-we thought you died with Auntie Inko." He never stuttered, so this was new.

"No I didn't, I uh, I toughened up too. I can fight people no matter what there quirk is." I muttered, he jumped back in surprise

"How did you manage that." He seemed eager to know, and with that Aizawa walked in and gave his speech.

"We reopened the rehabilitation program in this school, and in this class we have the two most wanted vigilantes in Japan. Problem children step forward and introduce yourselves." He stated in his monotone voice.

Sou and I stepped forward, shocking the entire class.

"Hi, I'm Izuku Midoriya I'm the number one vigilante Akimitsu, and here's the kicker, I'm quirkless." I smiled at the class and waved.

"Hello, my name is Hitoshi Shinsou, I'm Izuku's partner Insomni, and my quirk is Brainwashing, which we only used during hostage situations." He introduced himself sounding like he didn't give a shit about the world.

People started to ask questions all at once.

"HEY! You're not even giving them time to think. Give them a damn minute!" Katsuki yelled and then smiled at me.

"Sorry that was unmanly of us." The red head rubbed the back of his neck.

"Its fine, just raise your hands, and then we'll answer questions." I smiled at him

"Correction Izu, you will answer most of the questions." Sou laughed,

The class raised their hands all at the same time,

"Katsuki first," I pointed at Katsuki

"How did you get out of the wreckage, even I was hospitalised for a good few weeks?" He asked, we both shivered,

"We found an abandoned place and started doing odd jobs, and in return they gave us bandages, clothes, food, and small amounts of money." He nodded

I then pointed to a pink girl

"What does 'Katsuki' mean wreckage?" Katsuki got angered, but took my PTSD into consideration and didn't yell.

"We were doing a group dinner because our families were close, and Endewhore, Sorry Todoroki, was fighting a villain, and the street got caught in the crossfire, in the end 300 casualties and 100 major injuries were discovered, Sou's family got killed along with what remained of mine, Katsuki and his family got majorly injured.

I found Sou laying injured on the road, so I helped him, and started to stitch him up. He healed well, and then we began our vigilante work, at the young age of 7, well I was 6, he was 7. I did train him, because I had been taking defense classes ever since I learned how to walk. And now we're here, anymore questions, or did I answer them all with this explanation?" I finished our backstory, some things were left out, like when we were kidnapped by the League at the young age of 9.

One single hand was in the air, a certain Todoroki.

"I heard you mention something about remaining family, can you elaborate on that?" He asked

"My dad left my mum after I was born, he planned on coming back, and he did for a while, but he was an abusive asshole. When he found out I was quirkless he made an attempt to end my life before leaving us forever. My mother died in the wreckage of the battle, now, are there anymore questioned?" Katsuki seemed angered

"Oh, that asshole, I'll kill him for you." He offered, the class shivered as Aizawa's aura turned murderous,

"He did, what!?" He asked angrily, Sou nodded.

"I've seen the scars, knife marks going from the top of his neck all the way down to the middle of his back and to the middle of his stomach. He has quite a few very long and very deep scars. Some from, an incident. And no, we're not comfortable with sharing what happened." Shinsou said sternly,

"Everyone get the gym uniforms and go outside quickly." Aizawa instructed sternly.

We got to the track and saw a set up for a test or something along those lines. I assume he wants to make sure we have potential

"The person that comes in last is getting expelled." He said scarily (didn't know that was a word but here we are)

The class objected but continued with the course.

In the end some purple-headed-grape-pervert-thing, got last place. The girls cheered loudly and the PHGPT cried.

"Pack your bags Mineta, you don't have potential." He said and Mineta or the PHGPT cried more.

"Listen here grape man, some of us want to get on with our day so if you could please pack your bags and get the fuck out, that would be nice, fuckin pervert." I mumbled the last part, Katsuki looked proud.

"That's my best friend you go Izuku." He put his arm around my shoulder in a friendly manner.

And then we headed to our next class...

AHHHHH, I'm sorry this chapter took so long, I had a lot going on, and I have other stories to write. Although I didn't expect this one to blow up so fast. The most I expected was maybe like 100 something reads, but you guys gave me more than necessary and I thank you for that.

I don't know why you like my writing. Maybe it's not ad bad as I thought it was. I feel a lot more confident in my writing because this book got so many reads and votes.

I love you all and I'll try to update this book more often.

However if you want specific books updated just tell me which ones and I will update them.

Bye and thank you again for even thinking of clicking on my book.

(Now here are some mom kisses from your Wattpad mom 😚😚😚)

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