Chapter One

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Me, Vinnie Vincent, and the rest of the present day KISS guys were waiting for Michelle to come over and have a nice get together dinner.

"Where could she be"?

Vinnie wondered.

And then, the doorbell rang.

"I'll get it"!

Tommy Thayer ran to answer the door.

A cardboard box was lying on the doormat.

"Guys, we've got trouble"!

The spaceman brought the package to the kitchen.

What we discovered shocked us all.

There was a note that said:

"Dear Kiss freaks, Hahaha, I've returned yet again to seek my revenge. Your precious spacequeen will never see the light of another day, BECAUSE SHE WILL DIE IN LESS THAN TWENTY FOUR HOURS.

Me and Vinnie both knew what we had to do.

"We'll go with you so there will be backup".

Paul told the Ankh Warrior.

I went to the backyard to grab Fido, a dog that Vinnie and I adopted when he was a puppy living out in the streets.

He was a beagle hound and had a good sense of smell.

"Come here boy"!

Vinnie called out to the dog.

Fido barked and wagged his tail happily as I took off the chain from his collar.

He ran out of the backyard and into the house where Vinnie was.

"Okay Fido, I missed you too".

Vinnie chuckled as he felt the friendly canine's wet tongue move across his face.

"Fido, a bad guy kidnapped Michelle, we need your help to track her down so we can rescue her and destroy the bad guy that kidnapped Tommy last time".

Paul said to the dog, and the dog barked to show that he understood.

Fido began to look for something that had Michelle's scent all over it.

I picked up her favorite Kiss Tommy Thayer signed picture and the dog sniffed it.

He then led us all out the door and together, we followed him into the streets of L.A.

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