Chapter Ten

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Emily was crying while still being tied to a chair.

Fido the dog was trying to stay away from the panthers as they were trying to attack him.

Just then, Emily started to have flashbacks of Vinnie and his terrible past.

He was taken advantage of so many times that it lead him to becoming a recluse.

The evil men took out three weapons and just as I turned my head, a bang! sound was heard.

Fido dropped dead in a pool of blood.

I screamed and in all my rage and sorrow, I broke myself free and ran to kill my kidnappers.

Several police officers broke in through the door and they aimed their guns at the evil men.


Emily broke down in tears as she fell to her knees beside of Fido's corpse.

Vinnie and the KISS guys ran in and when the ankh warrior saw what had happened, he lost it.

"Mr. Vincent! Please control yourself"!

The chief of police tried to reason with Vinnie, but Paul warned him to back away.

Everyone watched as Vinnie's eyes lit up white and then he transformed into a sleek solid black with a gold ankh symbol on his face, and he tore the kidnappers to shreds.

Emily cried again and again and Michelle watched as the police officers arrested the evil group of men.

They were getting the death penalty.

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