Txt is gOnNa hAvE a cOmEbAcK vErY sOoN iM sCrEaMiIiiNgSNFJSKJDJD
The clips for each 5 of them tHeY bE fInE aF
Ma bAbIeS aRe gRoWiiiNg uWuwuwu
I wanna put them in my pocket and tAkE gOoD cArE oF tHeM1 yr since their debut song aNd iT fEeLs lIkE yEsTeRdAy aLrEaDy-
Also it sounds like slow motion now lmao
RaNdOm tXt StUuuUfFf (fT. bTs)
RandomhEwO iDeK wUt iM gOnNa dO hErE tHiS iS gOnNa bE tHe fiRsT kPoP gRoUp tHiNgY I wRoTe aBoUt hAhA- eNjOooY hEhE-