iGeOn nAe DrAmA-

34 6 37

Hai and good morning cLoWnS :D


omg I'm already lovin it (bAdAdAdADa iM lOvIn It)

Skskskskssksk lol wtf was dat pun-

My lock screen is this sMeXy pIc oF sOoBiN:

I showed it to my mom and she had to take another look cuz she thought binnie was flipping the middle finger XDDD

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I showed it to my mom and she had to take another look cuz she thought binnie was flipping the middle finger XDDD

bUt NoO HeS nOt lMfAooO-

I came up with 3 ridiculous ships haha;

TxT x tHe fLoOr
KaI X dOlPhInS
yEoNjUn x HiS dYiNg sCaLp-

I also came up sumn weird ideas like "a PoV In TxTs lIfEu aS dA fLoOr"

Those ideas popped up in my head while I was eating dinner last night hehe

Oh and one more:

bEoMgYu X bIkEs

😂🤡 oK iMmA sToP wItH tHaT aNd cOnTiNuE iT aGaIn lol-

Btw, its gonna be yEoNJuNnIeS bIrThDaY nExT mOnTh, sO yEeeThAaWw!😂😂❤❤❤

Ok imma go and continue doing wut I need to do-
(Also me: lItErAlLy oNlY eAtS, fAnGiRlS oVeR kPoP gRoUps, aNd dOeS rAnDoM sHiEt)

But um-
AnYgAyS, iMmA gO nOw-

cUz uMmm *iNsErTs jHoPeS vOiCeU* iMpOrTaNt bUsInEsSeU-

bAi cLoWnS iLy🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡💖💖💖💖

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