Chapter 3

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A/N: oh, hey there.


Yeji's & Haneul's Perspective

"What do you think it could be?" Haneul excitedly wonders out loud.


"Oh, c'mon! You have to talk to me at one point, we're literally stuck together."


"Huff. Ok."

Yeji continues to ignore Haneul as they walk towards the speckle. Yeji was pumped. This newfound miracle creates a surge of energy in her steps, causing her to speedwalk. Haneul lightly jogs to keep up with the girl, not wanting to be left behind in the middle of this abyss. The patch of brown they walked towards didn't seem to be getting any closer. It did make sense, after all, they've been walking endlessly for who knows how long and they've just spotted the fleck now. But Yeji was determined, and when she's determined, nothing is going to get in her way. Suddenly, she gets pulled back by her arm. She looks behind her and glares at the boy.

"Wait, what if it's dangerous?" Haneul nervously asks, holding her arm back.

"... What else can we do?" Yeji yanks her hand away. "We literally have NOTHING to lose!"

"... Oh, so she speaks!" Haneul teases then walks away with a small smirk.

She stands in place dumbfounded at his comment as she watches him walk towards the speck. "Yah! I found it first!" Yeji yells as she zooms past the boy.

Haneul chuckles as he follows the girl.


Ryujin's & Lia's Perspective

"A little bit further! You're almost there!" Lia cheers.

Ryujin huffs as her sweaty hands clamp on the parallel ramps. She's dressed in a loose-fitting white t-shirt and a loose pair of white linen pants. Her feet are bare and although she has short hair, it's still able to be tied back by a band. Her arms are sore and tired after hours of dragging herself along the bars. Her legs just wouldn't move, and she's so frustrated at her body. Why must she be paralyzed? This is wasting her time, she should be traveling to the timebreak to save her friends! Her mind was so jumbled that she couldn't focus properly. Her hands turn into noodles as her muscles give out. Ryujin falls onto the floor with a loud thud.

"Ryujin!" Lia shouts.

She runs to the younger girl and kneels down to aid her. The blue-haired girl had her legs splayed out and her elbows on the floor to support her body. Her head faces the ground as her hair cascades down, covering her face. She was breathing heavily, struggling to move any muscles. Lia grabs onto the girl's arm to help her up, but Ryujin immediately retaliates.

"Let go of me!" Ryujin escapes her grasp and tries to get up by herself but falls again.

Lia flinches as her hands quickly retreat to her sides. "Y-you need to get up. Let me help you," she tries to hold onto the younger's arm again.

"Why?! Why do you care? Who am I to you?" Ryujin exasperatedly says as she glares at the older.

There was a deadly silence as both girls peered into each other's eyes. One filled with confusion and frustration and the other filled with melancholy and pain.

"Just, let me help you," Lia reaches for her arm again.

"Don't," Ryujin looks away, she couldn't bear to see the worry etched on the older's face. A foreign face. "J-just leave me alone... P-please. I need space."

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