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Ship: Logince
AU: Human AU
Requested By: violently-unable
Words: 1388
Category: SFW
Warnings: None, I think...?

Logan sighed as he closed the book he was trying to read. He had re-read the same page about 10 times now, not able to focus on the words over the obnoxiously loud voice in the room catty-cornered to his. He was finally taking a much-needed break from his work but wasn’t able to destress due to the ruckus. It had been an hour since it started and Logan had finally had enough of Romans’ loud mouth reading his script lines. He understood that Roman needs to practice, but this loudly that it’s annoying Logan?

Luckily Virgil was at work, otherwise, there would have been another fight, and Patton is off volunteering, so it was just the two of them. Logan wasn’t good with his emotions and feelings, but he did know that if Roman didn’t shut up soon, Logan would snap. So he closed his book and set it on his nightstand, next to his cup of coffee, and pushed himself off of his bed. He walked to Romans door and knocked, waiting patiently for Roman to open the door. “Whatcha need nerd?” Roman asked when he opened the door, his script in his hand.

“Please use proper grammar when talking to me, and I need you to quiet down some when practicing. I am trying to relax while taking a break from work, and can’t focus on the book I am trying to read over you.” Logan states as he pushes his glasses up his nose. Roman frowns but nods. “I’ll try and keep it down,” and with that, Roman shut his door. Logan walked back to his room and started to read once again, happy that he couldn’t hear Roman practicing anymore.

Roman, on the other hand, plopped down on his bed with a sigh. He wasn’t trying to annoy Logan, his long time friend, and crush, but he was worried about this play. His fellow castmates weren’t all that enthusiastic and hard-working. The showing is two weeks away, and none of his castmates have any lines memorized and they’ve barely practiced. So Roman’s anxiety was slowly eating away at him, making him practice over and over again, and maybe a little too loudly. “Keep it down… You don’t want to annoy him any further…” Roman muttered to himself. He closed his eyes and took a deep breath, pushing himself off his bed and picking up his script that he practically had memorized off of his desk, and resumed practicing.

It had almost been 7 hours since Logan telling Roman to quiet down. And those 7 hours had been quiet, little to no noise coming from the actors’ room, except for the few things falling and the occasional shout of a line or two, along with some cuss words. The others were home by now. Patton was asleep, as it was almost midnight, and Virgil was probably still awake in his room, just blasting his music. Logan had finally shut his computer off after saving his progress, rubbing his eyes tiredly. Logan changed from his normal attire into his unicorn onesie, setting his glasses on his nightstand and closing his eyes to go to sleep. Well, that’s what he wanted to do. After about 10 minutes, his eyes shot open as he sat up, Roman yelling “God fucking damn it!” He groaned and got out of bed, shutting his door to make any more noises quieter.

Roman dragged a hand down his face, pacing his room while reading over his lines. He had run them about a hundred times today, but he was still stressing over it. He was worried that when they did perform, he would mess up, and the show would be ruined, and it would all be his fault. He kept feeling like his castmates not trying hard was his fault as well. He yawned and took a sip of his coffee. He went to take another sip, when he realized, it was all gone. Instead of making himself another cup, he just started to practice once again, walking his room quickly, not aware of how loud his voice was.

Logan groaned as he could hear every word Roman was saying clearly. “Thank god Patton is a heavy sleeper. But how can he sleep when his room is next to Romans…?” Logan questions and moves his other pillow, placing it on his head to block out some of the noise. It barely did anything though.

This went on for a whole week, only getting worse. Finally, Logan snapped and threw his covers off of his, rushing to Romans’ door. He knocked quickly, a scowl on his face. When Roman opened the door, Logan didn’t notice how tired and stressed the actor was. “Will you shut up for once Roman!? It is 1 in the morning and some of us are trying to sleep! You have kept me up this past week with you constantly practicing!” Logan spoke, his voice raised, but him not shouting. Roman froze and frowned, raising his hand to his face and dragging it down, dropping it by his side again. His tired eyes struggled to focus on Logan. “Sorry, Logan. I didn’t mean to cause that much trouble… I’m just stressing over this showing…” Roman said, his voice lowering to a mumble at the end. You could hear how tired he was through his words.

Only then did Logan take a good look at the male and frown. Roman’s hair was a mess, and not in a good or attractive way, he had bags under his eyes, and Logan could see just how tensed up he was. “Why are you stressing? It’s just another show. You’ve never been this way over any of your other shows, so why this one?” Logan asked only to get a sigh in response and Roman gesturing for Logan to come in, so he did. Romans’ room was a mess, contrasting from his usually clean room. Roman shut his door and walked over to his bed, plopping down and laying on his back. Logan sat down on the bed, looking at Roman.

“It’s tech week. The final week of practicing before the show, and almost nobody knows the script. We’re stumbling all over the place and still needing to look at the script. The director is getting furious and is thinking of stopping the show. If he does, I won’t get paid for these past few months of practicing, and it’ll all of been a waste. And I’m scared that if the show does happen, I’m going to screw up live and ruin the whole thing.” Roman explains to Logan, making him frown even more.

“If it does get canceled, no worries. Patton, Virgil, and I all know that you wouldn’t be able to help out with the rent until your next show, and we can afford things without your help. And with how much you’ve been practicing, you won’t mess up. You know the script by heart by now. Trust in yourself. It’s the other’s fault for not practicing if the show goes wrong. Now, stop practicing, relax, and get some sleep. It will help, I promise.” Logan spoke softly, a small smile on his face. “And if you need help relaxing until the show is over, I will be more than willing to help.” Logan continued, making Roman smile.

“Thanks, nerd.” Roman quickly thanked him. Logan nodded and stood up to leave, but Romans' voice made him stop. “Wait… Would you mind staying here and watching something with me? I know it’s late, but, it would help a lot to have a friend with me right now.” Roman asked, embarrassed. “I don’t see why not.” Logan agreed, making Roman smile and hop up to grab his computer to turn something on. Logan sat down on Romans’ bed and got comfortable. When Roman came back, he was in his red plaid sleep pants and a white tank top, his computer already turned on with Disney+ pulled up. Roman sat down and turned on Big Hero 6, a movie both of them would enjoy. About halfway through, they both managed to fall asleep, them comfortably curled up together, enjoying one another’s warmth.

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