Nine: The Duelling Club

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Emily searched every book inside the hogwarts library, if that's even possible, but nothing. Nothing about the Chamber of Secrets, nothing about what was the creature that was hiding inside. The only thing she knew was that it had the power to kill, or petrify somebody.  The other thing that was into her mind was that voice. It said it wanted to kill. Was that creature able to speak in a human's language? So many questions were running through her head and the only problem was that they had no answers. 

'Bloody hell!' she said as she checked on the time. She had charms next. Thank Merlin it was her favorite lesson. She put all of the books back and ran out of the library. 

She ran through the halls of the school until she bumbed into someone.

'Hey watch were you're....' she looked up to see someone she really didn't want to bump into.

'Oh I'm so sorry. Are you ok?' Cedric said.

'I-I, hm, I am-m f-fin-ne.' she said.

'Hey I know you! You're Emily, right? Emily Lewis.' he said

Emily was left wide-eyed. 'How do you know my name?'

'Everyone knows you.'

'But why?'

'I don't know. You're just popular I guess.' he shrugged his shoulders.

'Me? Popular? No no no.... YOU are popular. I'm just that Ravenclaw girl.' She remembered that she had Charms
'Oh shit, I have to go! Bye.'

Cedric was standing there. Not knowing where that came from.

'Oh she's doing that a lot' he turned around just to see Blair walking down the corridor.

'Oh so it's not about me or something.'

'No, she makes a lot of guys think that.' she said and left to find her friend.

Weird. Weird but cute Cedric thought and went straight to his class.


Flitwick was talking about how important protective spells are to our lives. They were about to start practicing on Protego, but Emily wasn't listening. Yeah, not the lesson she'd like to miss, but her mind was all over the Chamber of Secrets and what was in there.

'Miss Lewis? Are you with us?' Flitwick asked.

Emily shook the thoughts out of her haid. 'Yes Professor, can you repeat the question?'

'I asked what is the incantation of the protecting charm.'

'Protego' she answered quickly.

'And what does it do?'

'It makes a shield around the caster which prevents most of the spells to enter.'

'Excellent! Ten points to Ravenclaw!'

Emily let out a sigh she didn't know she was holding. The fact that she had read the "standard book of spells grade 4" for about ten times really saved her. Some Slytherins scoffed at Flitwick's comment but she chose to ignore them.

The class finally ended as well as all of her classes. It was afternoon and she had nothing to do. Well, not exactly. She had something. She took her Fantastic Beasts and Where to find them and she ran to the astronomy tower. She smiled when she saw no body was there and went to sit to study, or maybe, search.

She heard a noise and immediately turned to see who it was.

'Oh Lewis! What are you doing here?'

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