Chapter 23

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Thank you for being so patient everyone! I really have no excuse other than school getting in the way. But now that it's AP week, hopefully afterwards teachers won't assign much. Especially considering we're in quarantine, I'm hoping to get more done. Anyway, without further ado... chapter 23!!


When I came to, the surprisingly bright light shone in my eyes. I groaned and closed my eyes in pain. I moved to cover my eyes, and I didn't feel the weight of the shackle against my wrist. I opened my eyes enough to notice the shackles gone.

"Vanessa... you awake?" I heard Nico ask. I nodded and closed my eyes again. I felt like my eyes were shaking in my socket, making me feel sick. "Listen... I Calypso took our shackles off. We can try to escape... come on, get up. Charlie-"

That laughter. "Escape? Oh, honey, that won't be happening any time soon." Calypso said. I groaned, the dull throbbing coming back. "What more do you need?" I weakly asked, my voice shaky.

Her eyes gleamed with malice and excitement. "Entertainment," she said simply before creating a glowing orb. Nico's eyes widened and he stood up, taking a step forward. There was something wrong with him. "Nico... what are you doing... stay back," I whispered, tugging his pant leg.

Calypso smirked made a circular motion in the air, murmuring something softly. A hole appeared in her finger's wake. She reached in and my eyes widened when she pulled out a sword. But it wasn't any old sword. It was Nico's sword.

"Here you go, livestock," she said, sliding the sword over to Nico. He raised his foot slightly and then stepped on the blade once it was below his foot. She then nodded, indicated something silently to him. Nico slowly bent down and grabbed the sword by its hilt, shifting it from hand to hand before letting it rest in his right hand.

Imagine my surprise when Nico turned around and pointed the sword towards me with the same malice his eyes that Calypso held. I gasped and scrambled back, my eyes widening. In the corner of my eye, I saw Charlie rise and start running.

I couldn't process what was happening until it happened. Charlie had tackled Nico down and tried to push the sword out of his hand. "Nico, snap out of it! This isn't you! You're attacking the wrong person!" Charlie shouts out in one breath. Nico faltered for a moment before starting to wrestle against Charlie.

"Vanessa! Get me something! Anything to deflect his sword if this gets out of hand," Charlie said, struggling against Nico. Nico seemed determined to win whatever this was. I quickly scanned the room, trying to find something that Charlie could use.

I found a spear that Calypso had left. It had blood on it, and I realized that this was the spear that was used to probably kill Ken or Victoria. I gagged but I grabbed it anyway, trying to get Charlie's attention. He looked at me and turned to face me so that he could get the spear.

It all happened so fast. Nico surged forward, stabbing the sword through Charlie's abdomen, a sick grin adorning his features. If that wasn't bad enough, he dragged the sword upwards, definitely cutting organs in half. Charlie's pained screams slowly died down as Nico's sword cut through his throat. I gasped and let out a sob in fear and surprise.

Nico killed Charlie.

And I'm next.

I gripped the spear tightly and felt this instinct to scream, to let out my most animalistic, guttural scream. It was too much... This wasn't supposed to happen. I was supposed to save the world, everyone wasn't supposed to die, and Nico wasn't supposed to be a killer.

I sank to my knees and let out my most heart-breaking, ear-piercing shrill howl.

I shut my eyes tightly, unable to open them in fear of seeing Nico come towards me with that psychotic look. I felt the air escaping my lungs, but I could care less.

I felt everything slip away from me, the world dissolving into a gray haze. I didn't even realize when I had closed my mouth. Saying that I felt better was an overstatement. The ache in my pain lessened, but I felt dizzy. I looked around with my hazy vision, unable to fully grasp my reality.

I realized that I wasn't me anymore. And I know, it sounds odd, and it doesn't make sense, but I swear to you, I wasn't me anymore. I looked everywhere, but once I looked down I realized that I wasn't me anymore.

Below me, my body was glowing. Literally glowing. I don't know where the light was coming from, but I didn't care about that. I was more interested in the language I was speaking in. I knew it wasn't English, but I understood it. Calypso was screaming about something, her eyes frenzied and scared.

A small smirk grew on my face once I saw Calypso fall against the floor. She was crying, her hands pressed together as if she was pleading. But my body kept glowing brighter.

And of course, that's when I stopped seeing.

My Mistake (Sequel to My Life) #WATTYS2019Where stories live. Discover now