Chapter 21

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I stayed silent and looked down at my lap. I refused to answer... My body was shutting down. Victoria and Jack... they didn't deserve this... They didn't have to suffer if I just... if I just handed the freaking gem over to the witch. They died because of me. They accepted death and pain... because of me.

This is all my fault.

Above me, Calypso sighed. "Very well... I am tired anyway. All this excitement has made me a little sleepy," she said, yawning afterward. She walked over to me and yanked my head up by my hair. The corrupt goddess got close to my face and sneered. "If I don't see a change of heart soon... they'll all suffer as painfully as the first two. And you wouldn't want that, would you, my little hero?"

She threw my head down and scoffed. "Sleep well, dearies~"


I don't remember when I had passed out. But when I woke up, I heard pained whimpering to my right.


I snapped my eyes wide open and looked at her. I groaned in pain... since when was it so bright? My eyes burned as I looked at her. I realized that she was the one glowing. She was crying out, and I struggled in my chains again.

"Kayla! Wh-What's wrong!" I shouted, squinting to see her. "... Sh-She... I'm so-sorry..." She shifted and my eyes widened. Her arm was covering a large gaping hole in her stomach. "Wh-What happened Kayla?" I asked, my voice soft. I looked around me, hoping someone could help.

But there was no one. Why was there no one? Where is everyone?

"... Th-That... That bitch came back... she was going to hurt you... I... Vanessa... I don't have much to live for... I... I-I just wanted to die a hero..." she said softly, panting. I noticed that the hole in her stomach was glowing.

"... Va-Vanessa... It hurts..." she whimpered out. I teared up. "I-I'm sorry... Kayla, I'm so sorry..." I said, slightly inching forward, reaching out for her hand. She smiled and sighed softly.

It took me a while to realize that she wasn't breathing anymore. "... Ka-Kayla?" I whispered out softly, my voice unable to go any higher. I gently shook her hand. "K-Kayla, come on, say something..." I said, my eyes watering.

Dad, I want to save you, but how can I survive this pain? Why do I have to suffer this much death before I can save the rest of the world? Why did I have to be chosen for this?


I woke up and felt a pressure around my hand. I looked down and screamed in surprise, more so in horror. I was holding onto a detached hand... Kayla's hand. I pulled the hand off of mine and set it aside

I couldn't help it- I started to throw up. I couldn't take it. These people didn't deserve to suffer this much. Not like this.

I felt nauseous and I felt dizzy. I looked to my left and Nico was there again. I shuffled to him as close as possible. "... Nico... Nico! Come on please... please wake up!" I said, terrified that he's dead as well.

I was starting to hyperventilate. Is everyone just supposed to die? Is that what being a demigod means? Just dying a gruesome death? I hate this. We... We're like disposable little pawns in the gods' game of chess. They don't want to do the dirty work, but they don't want to give us a fighting chance either.

How is this fair? How is any of this fair? Why do demigods still try to fulfill their destinies?

"Vanessa... You're fine... I'm fine! Come on, look at me," Nico said, shaking my hand. I gasped softly and gulped, looking at him. "... I'll beat the odds for you, il mio amore," he said softly, kissing my knuckles softly. His lips lingered there and I gave him a shaky smile.

I look to my right; there's only the twins, Charlie, Nico and me left. Nico made me look back at him. "Don't worry... We'll get through this, I promise," he said softly, giving me a small smile.


After calming down, which surprisingly took a long time, I managed to start planning. We needed to escape... Or, at least we have to find a way to give this gem to my dad. Whoever needs it actually. I just want to get rid of it honestly. If I could, I would destroy it.

Damion was looking at me intently. "Vanessa... Vanessa, I'm next..." he said softly. His brother was asleep, but I could tell that Damion told him too. Devon was gripping onto Damion really tight, sweat shining on his forehead. Wait, what does he mean by he's next?

"Damion, what do you mean?" I asked, crawling closer to him. Did Calypso tell him something?

He looked down. "After... After Victoria and dad was... was killed," Damion spat those words out. "... After that, I had this dream. I thought that it was just the fear festering in my head. But now... I know that I'm next..."

Charlie stiffened and looked at me. "... Vanessa... be careful of him then," he said, pointing at Nico. Nico raised an eyebrow and a snarl formed on his face. "What do you mean she has to be 'careful' of me?" Nico asked, clearly pissed.

"I had a dream too... Nico was attacking you, Vanessa. I don't know why or when, but I feel like it was a vision over anything," he continued, ignoring Nico. This made him roll his eyes and scoff. "Uh-huh, sure," Nico said with sarcasm dripping in his voice.

I looked down at the ground. "Noted," I said softly, bringing my hands to my head. 

My Mistake (Sequel to My Life) #WATTYS2019Where stories live. Discover now