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CHAPTER ELEVENTHANK THE HEAVENS FOR RAVEN"breath you in till i hallucinate"˚✧₊⁎*⁎⁺˳✧༚

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"breath you in till i hallucinate"

     "Rockets, really?"

     Apparently, Raven Reyes was suppose to be some kind of genius. Or not. Well, at least she was incredibly. . . bright. Which was just what the hundred needed, actually. To be completely honest, when Raven had said she had an idea, Dylan expected it to be something like making a new radio or fixing the one that was thrown into the river within hours. But apparently being smart didn't equal making this magically fix themselves. Dylan was sort of bummed.

     What dumbstruck the girl even more, was the words coming out of Raven's mouth. She concluded that fixing the radio could take days, if she even could fix it, that is. And they didn't have days, because the Ark was going to float three hundred innocent people, which no doubt, was her father's stupid suggestion. He did always say that his main priority was saving the Ark, and making sure they all survive, but Dylan was pretty sure he was just a dick.

     So, Raven birthed the idea to make rockets. Yes, you read that correctly, rockets. Maybe it was because Dylan was a less. . . brighter teen, but the idea sounded absurd. How were they supposed to make rockets that not only launched, but was that big that they could be seen by the people of the Ark. She was no expert, but it didn't sound very likely that it would work.

     "Yes, what about it?" Raven asked, one brow shot up in anticipation. She had to get to work, and Dylan was keeping her from doing so.

     "Oh I don't know, it just kind of sounds like a stab in the dark, don't you think?" Dylan replied, equally as skeptical to the idea as Bellamy.

     Raven rolled her eyes, folding her arms over her chest. "You've got a better idea, Kane." Disgust laced her words as she spoke the last word, making sure to put emphasis on it. Dylan narrowed her eyes at her.

     "We don't have time to argue about this right now! Three hundred people will die if we don't do something about it. And right now, a stab in the dark is the closest we get to stop this thing, alright? Now let's do this thing!" Clarke lectured. Dylan huffed, but nonetheless obeyed. She was right. They had to do something, and although the likelihood of this actually working was small, it was better than nothing.

     "Hey, Raven wait up!" Dylan called as the Reyes girl departed from the others. She shot Dylan an annoyed look, arms still neatly folded.

     "What?" She was obviously irritated by the shorter girl. Dylan didn't fancy making any more enemies then she already had, sho she figured she'd change that.

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