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Your name - (Y/N)
hair color - (H/C)
Your birthday - (Y/B)
eye colour - (E/C)

Let's start hoes

It was a dark steel blue night, you've been trying to finish your chores all day that you didn't realize it was fucking 3am u dumbass bitch. You decided to travel to a different island after beating the shit out of Tom Nook for giving you a 100k loan so now you're in debt.

Staring at Tom Nook's punched in face, you paid 2,000 fucking nook miles for a single ticket and trotted ur fatass to the airport (im sorry I'll be serious)

You walked in and Orville was fast asleep on his desk, drooling a bit. You thought it was cute but you needed to use the overpriced ticket so you poked his cheek.

"Mhhgh...mm.." He squirmed a bit knocking your hand away. "Orville, time to wake up, hoe" He jolted awake, saluting. "At your service, sir!" He realized what just happened and you bursted out laughing bc ur quirky like that "... um.... ma'am?" he scratched his neck nervously, chuckling. "Sorry, Orville. I wanted to use my nook ticket." He looked at you with the most judgmental look. "At 3am? Are you sure?" You nodded quickly and he sighed. "Roger that, (Y/N)" He clicked on his computer and called Wilbur through his headset. "Orville to stovetop rubberband, we got an (Y/N) situation.. again." You puffed your cheeks and hummed. He gave you a cheeky smile and went back to Wilbur screaming something about how you should be asleep or something.. Why should he care?


On the way there, it was kinda just silence. You never noticed how anti-social he was around you. You gave him a side glance and he seemed to get stiff. He looked at you back and your eyes shot back to the ground.

He cleared his throat. "S-So.. um,, wait.. why are you going to an island at 3am???"
You looked at him and said, "I just want to catch a tarantula!" You whined and puffed your cheeks. He blushed and chuckled at your reaction. For some reason you never noticed how thick wilbur was in the "ass" region, it made you blush. (LMAODJEJGJ)


You and Wilbur landed on the anonymous island. He helped you out of the helicopter and thanked him. "Don't get in any trouble, if you do.. Just remember, "What would Wilbur do? Because Orville is a dumbass." You laughed at his comment and lightly hit him on shoulder. You walked into the island waiting for adventure and invited the guest to your island.


You were just vibing until a tarantula came and bit the shit out of you. You passed out but all you could remember is never feeling the embrace of pain about to hit your back when you fell, but the embrace of a warm, worried man.


You woke up to Wilbur, both hands upside your head, and a worried Wilbur. You blushed at the sight as he called out your name.
"(Y/N)?? (Y/N)!!!" he hugged you tightly, which you embraced him back. He rubbed your back and mumbled some words like "I thought I lost you and never do that again." He broke the hug, which you wanted to last longer. "What were you thinking? You went out at 3am and what happened? You almost died from poisoning!" He hugged you again. "Wow." You whispered, causing him to break the hug, once again. "What do you mean, 'WoW'?" You cracked a smile.

"I mean 'WoW' 'cause you care about me so much." He blushed and kept his bigass warm hands on your arms. "You took care of me, you gave me my medicine, you're sitting here giving me a pep talk. What else doesn't lead to the fact that you.. care about me.. alot." His eyes softened and he just hugged you tight... tighter than ever... "I do care about you.. alot, (Y/N).." He choked out. "I don't want anything to happen to you, ever. You're mine~" He chirped into your ear as a smirk plastered on your face.


You pinned Wilbur down onto the soft grass and his glasses fell onto the ground. Your eyes, locked onto his face, which was now dark crimson red. "Ah,,, W-We can talk this out---!?" Before he could finish his sentence, you cut him off with a deep, passionate kiss. He was startled at first, ot  made his head spin and his mind wander about what he could do to you right here.

You broke the kiss and panted softly, looking into his swirled eyes. "That... was--hot" He blurted out and you snorted. "LOL U HORNY BITCH" then u beat the shit out of him and left. (IM KIDDING SJFJJEFJ) you sat on his lap and he rose himself up like Jesus escaping the grave (imsorry) He cupped your cheeks and squished you face, taking you by surprise. "Ah- sTHOp-" you tried to get out of his strong grasp.

"Stop struggling!" He grabbed your hip, one hand holding your jawline. (He ripped ur jawline out and is now holding it like a trophy because ur a horny loserLMAO imkidding i am too baes xoxo) You groaned a bit as he moved your hips side to side. "Wilbur..~" You groaned "Hmm~?" He hummed in response. "I got you." you smirked and he paused. "wh-" you got out of his grip and ran for ur damn life, you aint losing your virginity today. He tackled you to the ground and after both of your hissy fits, you decided to just walk along the beach... at 4am.

the end :))) i hate mysel;f aLMAO

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