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Because I'm pretty sure none of the people who are in this don't want everyone to know who they are I will only use first letters of names or if I need to first and last initials.

A few weeks ago I was at R's house and we got her pretty fuckin pissed when me and L started doing a whole bunch of weird shit. We were grinding, sucking pickles together, rubbing each other, and acting like we were fucking in R's bathroom. While we were doing that R was trying to break into the bathroom (I think she wanted some too *wink* *wink*)

One time while I was walking L home we crossed the street and some old fucker almost ran us over I yelled "slow down" and that rapist started trying to follow us, L says she's seen him around her house more times since that but I don't know, she's told me some crazy shit.

Speaking of crazy shit L has told me, she told me once she saw a cat jump out of a tree and when it hit the ground it's eye fell out...sounds pretty cool but I'm not so sure that's even possible.

One time me, L, R, Z, and W were in the library and we were asking for books on a whole bunch of weird shit. Like books on making me think labs, where to get ecstasy, how to make LSD. Later Z asked her if she could unblock saying "it's only free porn!". Than he showed her a picture from it and she got mad and said "get that porn out of my face!" And kicked him out which was pretty common we got kicked out mostly everyday.

Another thing I had done in the library is I pierced my ear in the bathroom with a safety pin...but than later of course my dad made me take the piercing out cause he thought it looked gay.

I also almost got caught with my vape. I just set it on a table in my room and forgot about it, well it was in a camera case, but she moved it and didn't even look inside so I ended up putting it in my vent with my swishers.

That's all for part one!

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