Just a dream

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Arthur pov~
The sun was set when I got home.My brother Alastair was pacing around the living room. When he herd me walk through the door. He looked at me with demon like eyes."0i where have ye been ?!" I looked down and started to stutter " a..ah br..brother ! I..I was in the wood an..and" he cut me off before I could finish. I look down and went off to my room as he told me to do. Alastair was never home really and when he was. He would beat me do horrible things. He would also have my other brothers help him. I got to my room and put on my Jamie's and claim onto my bed and looked out my window. Before I know it I woke up in a heat flash " bloody hell " I rubbed my head and looked around. " what.." I blink noticing that I wasn't a child that I was an adult. I sighed and looked at the time. I had to go to a world meeting today. I sighed an got out of bed and walked to my closet to get ready. I left my home and walked down the street to where the meeting was. As I walked in the doors to the building I looked down. I wasn't feel to grate after that dream I had. Why did I have to dream about him? Why did I have to remember? Does he remember? As all these thoughts when to my head they where so interrupted as I feel to the ground. " oi you bloody tit watch where your goi-" I stopped talked once I met eyes with the person. I bump into it was him Gilbert beilschmidt. " how about you each where your going Dummkopf !?" Arthur blinked and looked at him. " oi what with you ?" I ask a but worry Gilbert was all ways happy even on the bad days he knew how to smile. That's what I love about him. " nichts! You don't know about me or me ! So don't ask !" He said in grumpy mood. And walked off. I sighed and sat up. " I guess he doesn't remember me at all" I sigh and got up walking in to the meeting room and taken my sit next to An idiotic American

Words ~
English ( British)
Oi= hey !
Bloody hell= damn
Jamie's = pjs
Tit= prick , idiot, punk , ect

Dummkopf = idiot or douchebag
nichts= nothing

Pruk- you had me at helloWhere stories live. Discover now