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a/n: Welcome to my newest book (May 2020)! Yay! After doing a one-shot on them (ages ago), I finally get to do a book on them. When I was thinking of this storyline I immediately thought that it's perfect for Kongpob and Arthit (I hope everyone will agree haha). 

Please note that the whole book will be on a Third Party POV unless stated otherwise.

Now let's get on with the story. Tell me your thoughts, vote and follow for updates 😊



"Who the bloody hell is it?!?"

The knocking on the door continued, driving Kongpob Suthiluck completely mad. Who could that be at this hour? Slowly, he dragged himself up out of his bed and took a look at the clock. 3:00AM. This had better be important, he thought to himself in frustration as he grabbed his robe from its spot over the back of the computer chair in his rather large bedroom and made his way to the spiral staircase.

When he reached the final flight, he went to his door and began unlocking it. "Yes, yes, I'm coming. Stop knocking already..." he had gotten the door open, but he was completely unprepared for what happened afterwards. A pistol came up out of the hand of his 'visitor' and he felt as it slammed into the side of his face, knocking him off balance and sending him flying backwards.

"Get him!" yelled his assailant.

Still stunned by the blow and trying to pull himself together, Kongpob began flailing around as two other brutes forced their way into his home and grabbed him up, one holding each shoulder so that he was in a somewhat standing position between them. The man with the gun came a little closer. Kongpob noted with dismay that they were all wearing masks. So he thought in his daze, it's to be a robbery then.

"Where do you keep your money?"

Kongpob, still out of it, allowed his head to droop to the side a bit as he said, "Why, in the bank of course. Where else?"

His response caused the man to hit him again, snapping his head to the side violently and causing blood to flow freely from his nose and lip. The two men on either side of him help him up through all of this and laughed at the sadistic treatment of their captive. The man with the gun, presumably their leader, grabbed his chin and forced him to look back at him. "Let me rephrase that, where do you keep your valuables. It would be beneficial for you to tell me."

Kongpob mustered all of the strength he could and spat at the man, not caring that it would only anger him further. The man reached up and wiped the saliva from his mask. Kongpob could only imagine the angry expression on the man's face in that moment. But instead of exploding and shooting Kongpob on the spot, the leader looked behind him and two more men stepped up.

"Apparently he doesn't feel like telling me anything. Teach him how incredibly stupid that is." said the leader and then walked off towards the den area. The two men he had called in progressed closer to Kongpob, cracking their overly large knuckles and looking menacingly at him. He felt his heart sink a bit and closed his eyes, hoping that it would hurt less that way. It didn't.

After the first punch to the gut, Kongpob had changed his mind about telling the man where his things were. He tried to open his mouth and tell them that, but they promptly closed it for him by punching him the jaw. After the second punch, Kongpob wanted to sob and tell them not only where his things were, but the combination to the safe as well. After the third punch, Kongpob wanted to tell them where his things were, the combination, where his mother lived, and where to find her valuables as well. Throughout the entire beating, he kept changing his mind, but they wouldn't stop. Just as he was on the verge of slipping into unconsciousness, the man with the gun returned and pushed his two brutes aside so that he could take a real good look at Kongpob.

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