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a/n: Thank you for your continued support y'all ❤


Third Party POV

Arthit was working again, and already, he was tired of it.

He had figured that he was well enough, despite the doctor's good natured advice. He thought that he was perfectly fine and capable of doing his work. Now, however, it was looking as if that had been a huge mistake on his part. Not only did he have to work three times as hard as before, but now he had to do it with a really, really bad headache. Couple that with the general dislike of Kongpob and you had one very unhappy Arthit.

Not to mention he still had no idea where to start teaching Kongpob to be a better person. It was something he just... got when he was little. Why hadn't Kongpob gotten the same sort of lessons? Sure, Kongpob's parents were rich and snobby, but you'd think that even those types would know how to teach their child morals. Shaking his head and dispelling his irksome thoughts, Arthit went about getting back to work, only to be interrupted suddenly by the very object of those thoughts.

"Arthit, what are you doing? I do believe we had a deal and I have already followed up on my end of it. Now it is your turn." Kongpob said, coming down the stairs dressed in a black turtleneck sweater and black dress pants with leather shoes that possible cost more than Arthit would ever make in his entire lifetime.

Rolling his eyes and ignoring the question, Arthit glanced at his employer. "Going somewhere?" he asked, sweeping a small dust bunny into the dustpan he held in his hand.

Irritation flashed briefly across Kongpob's face at the impertinent question. "Yes, as a matter of fact. I was hoping you could give me a lesson in morals before I was off."

Arthit straightened from his position and looked Arthit in the eyes, his own gaze narrowing slightly. "And how long do you have before you leave?"

Kongpob, clearly confused by the question, glanced at a clock on the far wall. "About fifteen minutes." he stated simply.

The servant groaned inwardly. "Sir, this is not something you can learn in a matter of minutes. It's serious, and it takes most people a lifetime to learn their lessons properly." Arthit said, annunciating each word as if Kongpob were too slow to comprehend them.

"Well I don't have a lifetime!" Kongpob snapped a little more fiercely than he intended.

Anger made Arthit tense up. "Just how long do you think this is going to take you?" he asked.

"A year! I only have a year before..." Kongpob suddenly trailed off, biting his tongue slightly to keep himself from speaking too much. Arthit did not need to know the specifics of his rather... difficult... situation.

"Before what?" Arthit asked, his voice showing his complete confusion at what his employer had just said.

"None of your business! If you are unable to give me a lesson at this time, then fine. I shall leave you to your work. Goodbye." Kongpob began walking towards the door, but Arthit stood in his way.

"This is not something you can just learn! It's not like a class in Chemistry or in Psychology. You have to dedicate your time to it always and it's always a work-in-progress. Hell, even I'm still learning." Arthit said.

Kongpob stilled suddenly, so suddenly that Arthit almost did a double-take. He had not expected such a reaction from the heir.

"Well, it had better take only a year, because my time here is very short." Kongpob said softly before swiftly exiting the room, leaving his servant stunned and confused. What the hell was that supposed to mean?

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