Chapter Two:Reconnection

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"Your in my seat"she announced,"I guess your Ashley"I replied  confidently while occupying the seat next to her,"In fact I am and how do you come by that"said Ashley surprisingly, "Harmony said that her bestfriend name is Ashley and most besfriends I know are in the same classes.There were no one in my classes by the name Ashley yesterday"I explained,"ok, your correct and you got to be Kyle" she stated,"Yeah I am, how do you know"I whispered,"Harmony told me,I heard you silenced my boyfriend"Ashley stated,"Yeah sorry about that"I whispered.

"So Harmony do you have someone special here?"I ask braking the sudden silence that had aroused."No i don't"she replied,"why do you ask?"Ashley added."oh no reason"I stated thinking that was it before getting the same question thrown right back at me. I played it off cool stating "remember I just move here so no i don't have anyone". I instantly got to realize that we have been here talking for awhile and Derrick has not come over to interact with Ashley in anyway at all, some boyfriend i was thinking."Aren't you guys together?"I ask.

"Derrick and I yeah we are"Ashley answer nonchalantly,"so why aren't you over there, better yet why hasn't he come over here?"I questioned."we aren't on speaking terms at the moment"she replied,"why are you so concerned?"Harmony ask leaving me with a difficult question to answer,"no I'm not"I replied. To me this was great news, they aren't on speaking terms so it's  my shot to get the girl of my recent dreams and also instant popularity, two birds one stone not bad huh. It wasn't going to be easy and I very well know that, but I didn't care how hard it's going to be.

School was more of the same class more class and then more class. It was difficult making my way around campus, luckily I had harmony as my shop around. once again at lunch was one of the worst part of my day, most of the seats at the tables were occupied and with Ashley back there's no longer a seat at the"cool kids table" for me. I guess it's just going to be an Apple for lunch. After school i had to join a club in which I join music club, I don't know why I choose music club it just felt right.

Weird huh, a basketball guy in the music club, well I had nothing to lose, either it's going to be extremely great or extremely terrible. I didn't know what to expect entering the club, but luckily I did because I got to see chris a familiar face, a face I haven't seen in a long long time. Chris was my bestfriend in middle school, we use to do a lot of crazy stuff together like replacing our neighbours mouth wash with cooking oil. We were the kings of pools vill and we thought that nothing could come between our friendship.

Until I woke up to a pleasant mourning only to look outside and see a big truck with the furniture which belongs to Chris's home going into it. Chris move away that day because of his dad's job, and approximately six months later I had to move away because of my mom's job crazy huh. Pools vill was my home and that's why no matter where I go when someone ask me where I'm from imma always say, "pools vill of coures". Chris and I reconnected, we talked and talked like no time had past.

It was like we saw each other yesterday. I shared story's and he shared story's then he ask me a question I knew was coming,"do you see any girls so far that interests you?"Chris asked with a weird grin on his face."infact I have, when I first came here I had a thing for this girl named Harmony. She's really cool and really cute, but she was my first friend here and I didn't want to weird things out. But this morning when I saw Ashley that was love at first sight" I answered passionately.

Chris started laughing out of no where and it was like he had not plan to end I was getting worried."I'm sorry I'm sorry, love at first sight or you kidding me, you know Derrick would kick your ass if you try to take his girl right or you didn't know she had a boyfriend!"Chris exclaimed."Derrick is the least of my worries and just a tip they aren't even on speaking terms, that's my way in"I stated confidently,"just beware of Derrick"he warned."Anyways enough about that tonight is pizza night you coming over for dinner?"I ask,"wouldn't miss it for the world"he replied.

We talk some more about a lot of stuff, turns out there's a lot to catch upon. After a lengthy reunion I went home."I'm home!"I shouted closing the door behind me,"your home early"mom replied."wow! good to see you too mom"I stated nonchalantly,"you know I saw Henry today"mom pointed out,"that's cool"I muttered taking a popsicle  from the freezer."that's cool, that's all you have to say, if Henry's here that means Chris must be hear too"mom explained.

"yeah about that chris is coming over for dinner if that's ok"I stated,"you saw Chris?"mom ask,"yeah we go to the same school"I answered, stating the obvious.Suddenly my phone started to wring,"hello"I answered,"hey it's Harmony I'm bored you wanna hang out"she replied,"yeah ima be over there in like a minute or less"I stated."mom can I go hang out with Harmony"I ask knowing she was going to say yes," yeah sure just be back before dinner an you can bring her if you like"mom replied."ok later mom"I shouted running towards the door.

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