Chapter Four : The Plan

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My plan for asking Ashley to the dance was Clear.... i think. Imma just ask her and she would be like "I thought you'd never ask" yeah real simple. I started to think about the cons of my plan, what if she says no, or what if she already says yes to someone else and with those thoughts it was time for class. Funny thing is her locker is right next to mine, I don't call that coincidence I call it fate and how fate works you may never know.

"Whoo nice jacket"Ashley stated. What did I told you....fate,"yeah I got for being the water boy..... I think coach just gave it to me because he felt sorry for me"I stated,"yeah I was pathetic"I then added. She then laugh and told me"hang in there" then off she went, in my head that conversation was a gate way to asking her to the dance. I was feeling pretty good about my chances until "hey water boy why don't you stay away from my girl!"Derrick shouted.

"First I'm the manager and yeah I would, but that's impossible we share the same classes and as u can see we are locker neighbours sooo"I explain with a smirk. And with that I tap him on his shoulder an whisper in his ear"don't worry i won't do anything you wouldn't"and off to class I went. I felt like boss putting Derrick in his place like that........again.

The rest of my day  was exhausting well until school was over, what can I say it's the favour part of my day. Maybe not today, my mom had work and the bus has already left so looks like it's ganna be a long journey for me today. Less than a quarter of the way and I'm already tired, luckily again I had someone looking out for me "hey where u heading to?"I heard a familiar voice ask.

"Wow you can drive and also own a car you are amazing"I exclaimed,"get in, or u rather walking"she stated. I gladly got in"Wow I got a ride right when I needed it the most.......were u staking me"I  stated with a grin."Kyle we are neabours it's a high probability I was ganna see u on my way home"said Harmony, with the most beautiful smile I've ever seen.

"So why aren't you at basketball practice?"ask Hormany,"I'm the manager there is no practise to know how to do that well"I explain."I saw you at tryouts you were not half bad, why didn't you make the team?"Harmony ask,"I guess the team was already full"I stated,"how about you why aren't you at cheerleading practice?"I ask."Ashley gave the girls a day so I'm going home to watch a movie"Harmony answered.

We were talking for awhile until Hamony makes a sudden turn,"Harmony where are u going this is not the way home.......are you sure this isn't a kidnapping"I stated with a grin."can't you shout up and enjoy the ride"she replied with a priceless smile, well that's exactly what I did, I kicked back listen to music and enjoy the ride until I arrived at my secret destination.

I've got to say I was surprise to where she took me,"Harmony what are we doing here"I ask."we're at a basketball court, what do you think we're doing here"she exclaimed,"you think you can take on an a one on one"she then added with a grin."oooh you got jokes"I repiled with a simle.

We played for hours.....until the streets lights came up...before we decide it's time to head home. I've got to say it's the best day I've had since I've been here."Hey Harmony.......thank you"I whispered,"for what?"she ask,"for the best time I've had in a long time"I repiled."I had a great time too"said Harmony. With that we drove home with the same manner as when we drove to the court.

"See you at school tomarrow neabour"I stated exiting the car,"Oh and thanks for the ride"I then added."see you tomarrow"Harmony exclaimed. As I entered my home I notice a family car,"hey mom why is Mr Abbot car outside"I exclaimed."Because your mom invited ous over for dinner"Henry Abbot repled,"back to back dinner you guys should just date"I whispered,"that's what I said"Chris pointed out. And with that  there was an awkward moment of silence, until our friendly neighbourhood superhero save the day,"mom can we watch Riverdale tonight?"ask Haley.

"Ofcourse we can"mom replied. And so we watch Riverdale and eat pizza all night. I know I've said this already but.....I gatta say it's the best day I've had since I've been here. And that was that for the night. The dance was rapidly approaching and I've not yet ask Ashley to go with me, this whole idea is getting more and more unrealistic. The next day was just an ordinary day, I get up enter the bathroom have a bath, brush my teeth, head downstairs for breakfast then off to school.

It was a miraculous day to say the least. You remember that plan I had to ask Ashley to the school dance, turns out she ask me infront of Derrick. You should have seen his face when it happen, it was priceless. I rubbed it in everyone face especially chris's. Again I said It was a miraculous day...... well for me anyway and as it turned out my lucky spree had more to offer."Hey noob your starting"coach exclaimed, it's a nickname i receive, it's said that everybody on the time receive the name noob when they first arrived..... even the first ever players... it was like noob 1, noob 2 and continue.

"As much as I love to coach why me.... why pick me to play?"I ask,"we have lost our small forward due to circumstances. And your friend Harmony insisted you play so I'm giving you a chance but please don't mess this up"coach explained. Harmony is gatta be the best friend I've ever had since Chris. I went in the game as the team's manager and came out as the MVP. After the game coach told me to keep the jersey....... twenty five points and sixteen assist yeah I think i deserve it.

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