The Talk with the "Stranger" (Part 2)

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Hmmmmm....... so, are you guys familiar with is butterfly effect?.. it's a very pleasant feeling which keeps the testosterone, estrogen, dopamine, oxytocin, and vasopressin on run.
Well so that's how, begun our chat and trust me the plank laid between us had the same vibe.

Me:  "texting is better isn't it?" (Just to make sure he is comfortable)
He: "Yeah, what time you set off to work"
Me: "I am already on my way; I started at 7:20 am"
He : "How far is it from your place"
Me: "Ideally just 30 mins without traffic but with traffic an hour or so and rains are add on to the traffic"
So within next 5 minutes, we had some important conversations. I informed him some basic stuffs like my dating app is linked to FB which doesn't contain my real DOB' and enlightened him with my technical DOB' and precisely I was 9 months elder to him.
He just replied one line : "That's not a problem"🙂

We generally ignore our INTUITIONS, because of the "chemical stuff" in our brains. We just flow with emotions by exchanging a smile from our heart to brain saying yeah we are on the same page.
So always pay attention to that inner voice which seldom says "hey".
Bouncing back to the chats, this digital interest was quite interesting and somehow I saw a potential digital connection.
Our chats started to bloom more than good morning and  good nights. We started giving insights about each other's families. Discussions started on his angel dogs and it's was treat to hear about them as I love dogs.
Elite will be feeling if had to put it in words on how I felt with him.
Soon we decided to FaceTime, as we realised  that both of us were extreme lazy when it came to chat system.
So it was not a decided date or time for the FaceTime , we adhoc decided while chatting and there he was smiling at me through my  cellular device.
I was thankful to our digital innovators to introduce 'FaceTime', I am just imaging myself boasting to my primitive self if mirror world existed.

He : "you look cute"
I missed the line as I was talking about some random stuff which I generally do when I am nervous.  He repeated himself going in the same tone as me and then he repeated once again making it a point.
Me : "does this device speaks what I like to hear or is it you telling me something I should know"
He : I have repeated myself thrice
Me : (mischievously) "what did you say ?"
He : "I told you thrice now you have lost the opportunity"
Me : "I am sure you will tell it to again"
He  : "So how was your day at work today"
Me : "awesome minus the traffic, How was your day"
He : "Great"
Me : "So how do you find the FaceTime than the chat"
He : "this is better or call, feels like speaking to a human"
Me : "true while chatting I felt as if I am trying to communicate to your photo where your expression doesn't change"
He : "hahahaha , are you always this humorous"
Me : "Don't know but smile till you have teeth"

Our conversation lasted for sometime more where we talking about places, music, dreams, passions etc.
We called off our day by promising a FaceTime again .
During the end of the conversation he says "you look cute and this the fourth time FYI"
Me : "Thank you (blushing) see you said it ...
well I really like your eyes they are very expressive.
I took a screenshot from my phone while he was cutely smiling and blushing  at me.

By the time I could have food and get ready to sleep I was already thinking about the FaceTime. Thoughts crossed my mind like maybe I am advancing very fast, I should slow down. Maybe I should have  dressed a bit, He doesn't seems to be serious  etc etc......
Then my stupid heart who loves falling in love and was mesmerised by this Man says, "Take a chance you never know, how perfect something might turn out to be."


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⏰ Last updated: Oct 07, 2020 ⏰

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