Chapter 1:Story Begins

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For Lincoln Joining the Nicktoons Unite crew I was inspired by Nikctoons Unite 20 by Mikedude Rocker.I was also influenced by the Avengers to do this.

We go to retroville and we meet Jimmy Neutron boy genius,6 months after sheen gets back from the planet zeenu we go to jimmy neutron's house where jimmy is asleep but his alarm goes off

Jimmy:(Yawns) Time for another day

He starts to get ready for school,first he goes to the closet and open it up and presses a button and then a vacuum comes out of the vent and removes his pajamas,the closet pulls his shirt and some robotic arms put on his shirt and his pants but this he made adjustments and it doesn't give a wedgie.

he uses a dart gun and shoots at the hanging solar system and it makes up his bed for him and he goes to the bathroom and he turns the gingivitis 2000 and he puts on brush-o-matic handset and virtually brushes his teeth and he activates the bath bot 3000 and it turns on rinse mode and sprays out a small squirt in his mouth because of the tweaks he made.

Jimmy also engages on the new robo barber and when he does it gives him some hairstyles but none of them work

Jimmy:hmm it needs some minor adjustments

He goes to the computer and activates the shoe bot and this time it gets it right this time

Jimmy:thanks good job

And he goes downstairs and goes to the kitchen.

Jimmy:hey mom,hey dad

Hugh and judy Neutron :Hey jimmy

Jimmy pours some cereal and milk and eats it


Jimmy:hey goddard

Goddard licking jimmy's cheek

JImmy:(laughing)stop it boy,down,down

Goddard stops and sits

Jimmy:Good boy

He gives goddard some

Nuts and bolts as treats and He eats


Hugh neutron:So jim jim what's your project for show 'n tell day

Jimmy neutron:It's something to blow everyone away but it's surprise I want it be to vague

Hugh Neutron:that's my boy everyone loves surprises

Judy Neutron:of course everyone does

Hugh Neutron:speaking of which sugar booger can you help me open this can of mixed nuts?

Judy Neutron:sure honey

She opens it and a worm comes popping out of the can and stardles judy

Judy Neutron:(screams)

Hugh Neutron:(Laughing)

Judy Neutron: very funny hugh (sarcastically)

Hugh Neutron: what you said everyone likes surprises

The bus horn honks

Hugh Neutron:oop there's your bus jim jim

Jimmy Neutron:oh then I Better go

Judy Neutron:Don't forget lunch and your show n tell project

Jimmy Neutron:Don't worry I have in my hypercube.Bye Mom,Bye mom

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