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(I'm back, I'm finally back! I had some personal issues I was dealing with, so I was absent for a bit, but I'm back and full of ideas!"

Izuku was glad to have meet the girls, even if some used to be guys. He walked towards UA with a very baggy sweatshirt, and somewhat baggy pants, his sandals were making an unsettling plop every time he stepped towards UA. Not to mention he got looks and comments because he was wearing socks with sandals, what is wrong with it? Their just open shoes? He did try the exam and just sat on a building until Ochako was about to get squashed, so he just made cement spikes and tipped the thing over. His shirt was actually Venom fashioning himself into some kind of external form. When they got to the dorms he went to his room, obviously trying to hide his form. Once he got situated he left to go see the city, it's been so long, how much had it changed. While he was walking he heard a whimper, he looked to his side and saw a blue haired girl with hands all over cornering another girl. Izuku waisted no time and made spikes, the spikes pierced the older girls feet and caused her to collapse on the ground. Izuku moves the ground towards him and brought the younger girl to him. He hugged the girl in a protective fashion to ensure that she was safe. Izuku looked at the blue haired monster before turning his hand into an axe, the girl looked up at the figure and noticed the axe above all else. A purple portal opened up, swallowing the blue haired girl, allowing Izuku to keep the little girl safe. He walked back to the dorms and almost made it to his room before someone noticed him. The girl had fallen asleep, her amber hair was waving in the wind.

Izuku put her on the bed and covered her up, he found a nice spot in the bathtub and laid down, his neck would hurt, but the girl needed sleep. It was around dinner time when he heard a yawn, he looked in his room and the girl decided to wake up, she couldn't have been more then four years old. She looked around and didn't realize what was happening, but Izuku spoke up and said, "You were attacked, I brought you here after I beat the one girl up. I'm Izuku, just Izuku." The girl looked at him and replied, "Amber, Amber Kisorini. Thank you, I'm finally free from their experiments" Izuku looked puzzled and asked, "What experiments?" She started to shiver and whispered, "They would put my quirk to the limits, seeing how much it took to break my amber. My quirk lets me create amber from thin air to protect myself, or even to add extra punching power." Izuku noticed how scared she was, so he sat next to her and said, "You know, I'm the only guy alive. My mother went crazy and made me run into a forest for sixteen years, miss out on a childhood. We have similar problems." The girl looked at him with sympathy and replied, "Alright Papa."

Izuku fell to the ground and asked, "What?!" She stared at him and replied, "You saved me, you're my new father figure, so you're papa!" Izuku got up and sighed at the realization he wasn't getting out of this, might as well start his eventual family from adoption. After that whole scenario was taken care of, Amber's stomach growled. Izuku and her shared a laugh before they made their way downstairs, obviously excited for whatever food they would have. When they got to the kitchen a female screamed, "Oh my god! That girl is so cute!" She started to rocket towards them, before Izuku got in front of Amber and went into protection mode, he stared at the girl with a glare that could make the devil piss his pants. Izuku looked her in the eyes and said, "You have five seconds to explain what the fresh flying fuck you were doing, and three before I spear your heart into the next country." The girl stepped back terrified when diamonds broke the floor and turned into spikes, ready to kill her. Izuku noticed more people watching after she ran at him and stated, "You will not touch my daughter unless she wants your grubby paws on her, now go before I use you as a pin cushion." The girl ran to others before Izuku cleared his throat and said, "I'm Izuku Midoriya, the only male alive, and as you can see, one with a quirk. This is my daughter Amber, if you hurt her, I'll kill you or give you a fate worse then death." With that said her made a PB&J for Amber, as he was making it he failed to notice Momo crushing Ochako's shoulder, the mature girl said something in a sadistic manner, "He said daughter, right. If there's a daughter, and a father, there's a mother. So who is it?!" Ochako looked at her friend, who was subconsciously creating knives, and steak knives at that. Ochako gulped and spoke up, "He didn't have her when we saw him, my guess is she's adopted!" Momo stared past her, like she was viewing her soul instead, and stated, "You better hope you're right, or I will find the person I'm looking for in a not so nice way."

The group of girls moved into the common room and started chatting before Izuku and Amber sat down, one had two PB&Js the other had a panini. Katsumi went to the girl and asked, "Can I hold you?" Amber looked at her and swiftly replied, "No." that alone sent the explosive fern into a rage of pure anger, but was stopped when Izuku put Venom around his arm and slammed her into the floor. He looked at the girls and said, "Need a reminder?" Many thought he was bluffing, but after seeing that they were scared of what he could do. One girl found his power intoxicating, one liked his dark natured attitude, two liked his body, two liked him all around, and one was interested in his quirks. Where will this go?

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