Chapter 4 - Oh my Eraser!

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AN/- This chapter doesn't encourage cheating. Please don't follow the story leads words in real life. Cheating is wrong and if caught will get you a black mark... For further details read the author's note at the end of the chapter.
I have seen author's notes saying 'I don't encourage domestic violence or rape.' Similarly I am saying I don't encourage cheating on exams. This is just imagination and not to be performed in real life. 

Finally first internal examination came. We were asked to attend the exam along with the fourth year students.

First 30 students of second and fourth year were allocated in second year's class room and rest 30 students of these two years were allocated in fourth year's classroom.

For us it was Biochemistry in the forenoon and Microbiology in afternoon.

Me being the first roll number, I was allocated to the first bench on the left corner of the classroom.

Soon Adarsh entered the classroom and sat on the second bench which is behind me.

"Aaru, have you prepared for the exam?" He whispered.

"Yeah?" I wondered why he asked that question

"Great. Show me the 1 marks then. I will poke you with pen, that time, move your answer sheet to the right side. I will copy from it."

"Huh?" I turned back and frowned at him.

"Deal?" he showed me thumbs up with a stupid grin on his face.

"No copying!" I whispered furiously.

He looked shocked and said with a pout, "Is this how you repay me with all those blood samples I donated to you?"

"Dei, I got you chocolates for that", saying that I turned front as teacher came in with answer sheet and started to place two sheets in each table.

I was writing my roll number and exam details when someone stood beside me.

I looked up to find Adi waiting for me to move so that he can sit. I moved out and he went to his seat.

"Adi" I heard voice from another bench right side to me.

"Send me all those 1 marks da." The same person whispered.

Copying huh?

I shook my head and started to answer the questions as soon as I received the question paper.

I continued to write, suddenly I heard Adi asking me, "Aaru, do you have eraser?"

I took a brand new eraser from my pouch and gave it to him.

On looking at it, he muttered, "Perfect. I will get you one after the exam."

I heard some noise from behind. When I looked back, girl behind Adi was calling him and he was scribbling something on... Wait, is he scribbling on my eraser?

I was about to ask him, he immediately passed that eraser to her. How dare he use my brand new eraser?

I looked at the teacher but she was busily looking at the students sitting at back bench. Then I looked back at Adi, he acted as if he was writing the paper sincerely. I glared at him.

What an acting!!!

On sensing my glare he looked up raised his eyebrow at me asking 'what?'

"You want eraser?" he asked and gave a small eraser.

"Use this, after the exam I will get you a new eraser."

I huffed and continued my writing.

"Adi, One mark da." I heard the person from my right side calling.

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