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Jan 13th, Monday...

Today was the last working day of the college for final year students. Those who want to do final year project in college itself will be continuing here like Adarsh and my roommates, some like me will be doing internship outside the college and at the end of April we will be presenting out project.

So I packed my bags in the weekend itself as from tomorrow onwards we are having Pongal holidays after which I will come again to Chennai for internship.

I switched on the net in my phone to receive WhatsApp messages from my friends wishing me my birthday.

As I replied 'Thank you' to them I received another message from my school classmate Preethi who is studying in China. It has been really long time since I spoke to her so I texted her.

Happiee birthday Aaru!!!

Thank you Preethi. How are you?

Not that good.

Seems like there is some virus break out seems.

There is some lockdown going on.

VIRUS!!! How come I didn't hear of it?

Even My staff didn't us tell anything!

You call yourself as biotechnologist :p.

Anyways leave that, enjoy your day. ;)

Sure. Stay safe!!!

I asked her to come to India soon.

I thought about the new virus and googled it and it seemed to be interesting. How it would be to research on this virus? I sighed dreamily, I hope the institute I am about to join do some research on this.

Saying that I went to exam hall as it was last semester exam. As soon as exam got over, I gave my roommates birthday treat in our college canteen itself. Soon Adarsh pinged me asking me for birthday treat.

As soon my friends ate they went to hostel room and I called Adarsh to canteen but instead he asked me to come to our fourth year class room.

When I went to classroom only he was sitting in the first bench and cardboard box infront of him.

Ahaa, cake for me!!! I love cakes especially birthday cakes.

Last night my roommates brought cake for me but we ended up applying it on ourselves.

"Thank you so much Adarsh!" I grinned at him.

But usually they will open the cake cover and place it but he kept the cover closed.

I raised my eyebrow at him. He gestured me to open the top cover.

When I opened the cover, I pouted, there was no cake in it. I take back my thank you from him.

"No cake?" I pouted.

"Not so easily Aaru. You have to find it." He winked to which I rolled my eyes.

I looked inside the cover there was a note stuck inside the cake box. I picked it up and it read,

'Find the right person you will get you birthday gift. First clue: Early bird who wakes up all her friends.

P.S. Carry your bag along with you'

"Huh? Tell me where my gifts are and cake." I frowned at Adarsh.

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