Amira- 1

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Dodgeball. The deadliest game high school had to offer right next to its social system. Right now the renowned dodgeball queen was making her title known. Taking out people left, right, and center like it was nobody's business. Everyone was scared of their eventual execution except from one person on her team. "Amira! Behind!" Scott shouted. Amria turned to see a shaking skeleton. Rather than slamming the ball in his face, she just lightly taps his forehead with the ball "Boop." She says before getting back into the game. Scott laughs and runs up to her. "How's it going bud?" Amria laughs and smiles. She and Scott went back a bit. They actually met through a dodgeball game like this. But the only difference is that Scott was the one serving her instead of other people. He was a little too excited and gave her a black eye on accident and once the game was done she gave him a piece of her mind. Since then he made it up to her by having her back gym class.

"Great! Coach has been telling me that I'm gonna be captain!" He says as he throws another ball hitting Juan the small, magical, Latino cat straight in the nuts. "MR-Ow!" He shouts before falling over in pain. "S-Sorry bro!" Scott calls. Coach asks the aforementioned skeleton that Amira got out to help Juan to the nurse's office. "But anyway- I'm so happy!" Scott continues. His tail was wagging so fast Amira could barely see it. She didn't want to spoil his mood by reminding him that being captain means actively leading. Instead she just smiles for him and raises her hand for a high five. "That's great!" Scott slaps her hand just before the coach blows his whistle from the side of the room. "Okay everyone! Seeing as I have an important and boring staff meeting to go to, I need everyone here to promise me that they won't leave until the end of the period or start a rave or something like that." The class stares at him for a moment before everyone nods vigorously. Coach smiles. "Okay. Good. While I'm out I'm putting... um... Scott! Scott is in charge!" He says before rushing out of the gym. Everyone looks at Scott expectantly. He looks around until his eyes meet Amira's. They were wide and puppy-like, as if he was begging for help. Amira just rolls her eyes with a playful smile. She knew this would happen. "Soo.. Scott how about we start a party since we have this whole gym to ourselves?" She mumbles. "Didn't coach say we can have a rave though?" She thinks for a moment before saying. "Parties and raves are two different things Scott. Raves have less than 300 people, parties have more than 301 people." Scott thinks on this logic for a moment before shouting "Who's up for a party!?"

From there chaos ensued. Everyone was up for the idea and seeing as last week Amira bought an instant party package from the school's local black market, the party was in full swing almost immediately. The music was so loud you couldn't hear yourself, the punch was spiked in the first hour, and someone summoned a demon from another dimension. At one point there were five hundred people! Screw the party tree outside of the school, this was where the fun was. And Amira was at the center of it all. Her jacket was discarded somewhere in the mix of people and her flame was vibrant. With everything going on, she definitely needed this.

While she was dancing she felt a tap of her shoulder. When she turned back around she didn't expect to see Zoe of all people. The eldritch being tried to tell her something but with the music being so loud she couldn't understand. Instead, Zoe just grabbed her wrist with a tentacles and dragged her over to the exit with her. Since they were further away from the action Amira could just hear what Zoe was saying. "Amira! I need to tell you something!" Amira glanced down at the tentacle wrapped around her wrist. Zoe glanced down before wordlessly taking her hand away from Amira. "W-What is it?!" she yells. Zoe blinks herself out of her momentary gaze. "Oz! I saw him! He's in trouble!"

Amira's eyes widdened. Fuck she had a feeling this would happen. Her flame grew brighter as her anger flared. "Where is he?!" She asked only for Zoe to open the door.

The pair stumbled outside in the blinding sunlight. Crisp and fresh air overwhelmed Amira. It was a welcome contrast compared to the sweat induced heat the gym had to offer.

When her sight cleared up she saw something she hoped she'd never see. On the ground was Oz. Nose bleeding, scratched and dirtied, with a leg that was definitely somewhere in between dislocated and straight-up broken. Standing next him, hands in his hair as is he didn't know what to do, was Damien fucking Lavey. She didn't think, all she did was scream. "Oh my fucking god- Oz!" She ran to her friend and kneeled down, not knowing fully what to do. Oz was crying, Damien was mumbling to himself incoherently, and who knew what Zoe was doing?!

She took a deep breath. In then out. Before sharply saying. "Zoe call a paramedic." Zoe looked up from her phone and nodded, doing just that. Then, Amira swiftly turned her head to Damien, not leaving Oz's side. "You." Damien snapped out of it and looked directly at Amira. Her hair was still raging, and her eyes were their own war in themselves, yet she still spoke calmly. "Watch him." Damien narrowed his eyes. "What?" He spat. "I'm not going to watch a fucking freak like him." Amira glared death at him. Damien didn't even flinch. "You want me to watch him, try harder freak." Coincidentally Zoe spoke up seeing was done with the call. "Damien Lavey wasn't quick enough to dispose of the body." She taunted. He blew a raspberry at her. "Since when did i ever hide a body?" She rolled her eyes. "I'm gonna tell your dads Damien."


"What?!" He screeched, making Oz and Amira cringe from how loud it was. "We will tell your dads unless you watch Oz while Amira gets some help." Oz whines under his breath "Please no.." he desperately grips onto Amira's arm for dear life. Damien just rolls his eyes before looking at the wall. "Fucking fine." Amira looks down at Oz. "Im just gonna get help and report this. And if shit hits the fan the ambulance is gonna be here in.." She looks up at Zoe. "Not long, five minutes tops." Oz glances at Zoe. "Please protect me. Damien growls "The fuck is that supposed to mean?!" All of whom ingore him though. Oz just looks at Amira with a pleading gaze. "They'll be here soon. I promise."

"I better not die again.."

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