Chapter #3

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Sorry this took awhile. I've been busy with school work and family matters.

"Hey. You've gotta help me!" The boy got up and had a pondering look on his face as of what to do. He sighed. "Sure, get behind me." He looked at me making gestures behind his.

I quickly ran behind him as he gave me his hoodie gesturing to put it on. I nodded and quickly did as I was told. "Thank you" was all I could manage to say. Before they came.

"Excuse us mister, but have you seen Roman Royal anywhere." The girl that wanted me to marry her says. I noticed the boy who I'll just call hot topic looking at her confusingly. He tilted his head then says "Who?"

The girl gasped than in one quick motion grabbed his shoulders and made their eyes lock. "Roman Royal, the lead singer for the band 'the stars'!!" He smiled at the girls explanation. "Oh yeah, I have." The girl looked at him even harder and was waiting for an answer.

I knew it. I shouldn't have trusted him to keep me hidden. He would give him up so he could go on his marry way. I felt rage building up.

"Over there." 'huh' I thought as I looked up to see where he was pointing at. I gasped as I noticed he pointed off to the distance away from them. "OMG THANK YOU" the girls yelled as they left running in the opposite direction.

He turned around to look at me. "Can I have my hoodie back now" he says as he holds a hand out. I quickly got it off and handed it to him. "Thanks alot for not turning me over to them." He sighs. "No problem, now help me pick up my groceries that you made me drop."

He frowned as he pointed to the now spilt groceries all around us. I frowned back glaring at him. I don't know how, but I made offended prince noises.

"What no, your the one who ran into me" I say sternly. 'what am I saying. It was my fault and I know that' I thought as I heard his breathing heighten. "You were the one te..texting and n..not p..paying attention."

To be honest his studder was cute. Much better than when he yelled at me. I sigh. "Fine. I do admit to be at fault." Hot topic sighed and started to mumble something. It was too quiet so I didn't hear. I bent down and started to do as I was asked. I didn't like doing stuff like this, but I did own his something for no selling me out to those crazy girls.

2 minutes later

"Well anyway... I should go bye Roman Royal." He started to leave as he pulled his hood over his head, but I had to do something. "W-wait!" He stopped and turned around giving me an annoyed look. "What" his tone was dead and his bangs were covering his eyes so I didn't know what he was thinking. "Spit I out" his voice sounded like it was laced with venom.

"You know my name but I don't know your."i know I'm taking a risk in asking this, but I just need to know. So far the only things I thought him as was and emo and my hero. Wait. A prince doesn't need a hero. He's just an emo than.

"Do you think I'll tell you?" He tilted his head and sounded confused. "Yep!" Was all I could think of to say. Ugh. I couldn't think of a better argument. He won't tell me his name at this rate.

We stood in silence for a moment. Than I heard the words I was hoping I could hear. "Fine. My name is Virgil Bl- er I mean Virgil Blood. Anyways I have to go, bye." Just as quick as he came, or as quick as we collided he was gone.

One thing got me thinking. He changed his last name mid sentence. Strange boy but... Virgil Blood, huh... I like it. I smirked as I started my journey to the hotel before Lucy yells at me. Logan could be mean at times, but not as mean as her. Were all scared of her.

719 words. I found out my grandpa has cancer so I haven't been in the mood to right. It's 1:47am and I finished this. whole chapter in just an hour and a half. I'm proud of myself to get this done with everything that's going on.

Have a good day, afternoon, or night. Bye my little moons.

Secret Voice (Prinxiety) DISCONTINUEDWhere stories live. Discover now