Chapter 1

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Recently Magnus and Alec hadn't seen each other very often so Magnus wanted to visit his boyfriend at the Institut today. Both had to work constantly and the time for them to be together was very short. They both wanted  to spend time together, just the two of them and on  today Alec and Magnus had finally time, so they wanted to go on a date. Evenafter so much time together Magnus was nervous but he could't be happier. He just wanted to finish his work and be done for the day and when he was finally at the Institute his heart was beating very fast.

 Magnus was the High Warlock of Brooklyn and was hundreds of years old but now with Alec by his side he can finnaly live and love again.  When he thought about this Magnus got even more happier. The date would be perfect and who knows what fun would await the two of them at night. He giggled. When Magnus went inside he could't find Alec:" Magnus?"

 He turned around and smiled. This  voice coud only belong to his  lovely redhead Clary:" Biscuit. How are you? And where are the others? " "I'm well, thank you. Alec, Izzy and Jace are on a mission." " Oh...Okay, then I... I will wait here for them to come back. And where are you going?" " I'm meeting up with Simon. He has the ok from Raphael to leave the hotel again." They both laughed. Of course Simon had done somehing to get on Raphaels nerves but in the end the two loved to spend time together, alone. Magnus was really happy for his son and he couldn't wait to see what would become of the two:" Then I wish you two much fun. " Clary thanked him and left. Magnus don't wanted to be alone at the Institut with all the other Shadowhunters. He decided to go to Alec' room. 'He will be here soon. ' Magnus thought and smiled. 

Magnus knew that Alec was exited too. He sat down on the corner of the bed. 40 minutes later and Alec wasn't back yet. He rubbed his eyes. Magnus was very tired because he got up early today, what's really  not inside his confort zone. When he thought back his night was very rough. He could't really sleep. Magnus laid down on the bed, it was a little bit weird. Most of the time Alec was at the loft. Their loft, their home. 

But because of that Magnus wasn't in this room that often but it was filled with Alec' scent. All over the place. Magnus closed his eyes and smelled the blanket. He could only think of Alec.

 Smile. Eyes. Skin. Touch. Kiss. Everything.

 After another 30 minutes Alec still wasn't back. Magnus missed him and his heart felt heavy. Had Alec forgot  about meeting him? Doeas he not want to spend time with him? Or was it not so important for Alec like it was for Magnus. The sun from outside relaxed his body. The sun and the scent. His eyes are heavy and closed. Alec was all over his mind. His Alec. His Alexander. His sun. His angel.

"Magnus... " Is this a dream? This heavenly voice. His Alexander:" Magnus... " The voice was soft. A whisper. Magnus felt how a hand stroke gently over his cheek. He opened his eyes and it wasn't a dream. Alec leaned over his lover and looked with his hazel eyes into Magnus' with a warm smile:" Alexander." Magnus was tired and his voice was weak:" Hay." Alec gave him a kiss:" Hay." Magnus stretched his body and stood up:" You are here. " 

Magnus smiled, laid his head on Alec' shoulder and his hands on Alec' waist:" I'm sorry. Did you wait long? " He stroke Magnus' back:" It's ok. I... " Magnus was interrupted when Alec turned his head to the side and yawned:" Ok. This is unpleasant." Magnus narrowed his eyes:" I'm so sorry Magnus. I didn't mean for it to happen. " He cupped Magnus' face in his hands and kissed him. Then he went over to his wardrobe to change his shirt:" The mission was so exhausting." Magnus giggled and observed his boyfriend when he changed his shirt:" Then you need to relax today." 

He wanted to hug Alec from behind but he stopped his actions when he heard what Alec said next:" This would be great but Jace and I need to deal with the vampires now. " He sighed. Magnus was speechless and couldn't believe what Alec said. This must be a joke but when he saw Alec' face he knew it was not:" You forgot it." His voice was weak again and saddened:" What? What have I forgotten?" Alec really didn't knew what was going on and was confused. 

Magnus' heart was heavy. So heavy that he felt like he couldn't breath. He was sad and disappointed. Did Alec really forgot? Magnus knows that Alec had a lot of work at the Institute and he knew that it was very important for Alec to do his job right and perfect. Magnus don't wanted to be a burden for his love. He decided to put his negative feelings behind and to keep his tears back.

 Alec still looked questioningly at his Lover. Magnus put a false mask on and showed a fake smile:" Nothing. Only... that I wanted to visit Cat and that we only can see " Alec wasn't sure if Magnus told him the truth but why would he lie to him? " Really? " Magnus nodded, gave Alec a kiss and went out without saying another word and left behind was a confused Alec.

~Alec POV~
Still confused from what happened with Magnus Alec went to meet with Izzy and Jace. Clary was back, too. Izzy and Jace talked about the meeting with the vampires but when Izzy saw her brother she interrupted Jace and turned her attention at him:" What are you doing here my dear brother?" Izzy was really surprised because Alec was not supposed to be with them right now:" I'm going to the meeting with Jace?" 

Alec didn't knew what was going on with everybody today and was even more confused than before "Hmm... No? You are not. " Jace said surprised, like Izzy:" Izzy and me are going. " "And I'm, too. " Clary added:" But..." Alec was very lost. 'What's wrong with all of them today?' he thought. Izzy giggled:" Where is Magnus? Do you guys are meeting somewhere else?" "What?" Clary asked. Izzy showed Clary her phone:" Here, look. It's so cute, Magnus looked so forward the whole day and the date. He was so nervous. As if it was his first date. " Clary giggled and smiled, too:" Aww. What are you guys doing for your date? " She asked.

 Both women looked at Alec excited. Jace pretended that he didn't care but he looked at his Parapatai, too because at the inside he was soft when it came to the two. All three looked at a confused and nervous Alec:" D...Date? " Izzy looked surprised and Clary's mouth formed a silent 'O'. This was awkward:" What the hell, Alec?! How could you forget?" She punched her brothers arm:" I... I... " Alec still was confused but know he understood why Magnus reacted so strange earlier.

 Izzy sighed softly and laid her hand on his shoulder:" I think we three are going to the meeting with the vampires and you think about a way to apologize. You know how Magnus can be. " She smiled at her brother. Alec was overwhelmed but in a really REALLY bad way. How could he forget the date? It was so important for both of them. 

He looked so forward to finally see Magnus again, alone and just the two of them. He missed him so much. He could slap himself right know. Izzy and Clary went out. Jace laid a hand on Alec' shoulder and said:" Good luck, man. " And then he followed the girls. Alec was left alone and had no idea what to do.

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