Chapter 2

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~Magnus POV ~

Magnus walked trough the streets because he was to depressed to open a portal. He had the feeling he only saw happy couples. He is the High warlock of Brooklyn and now he felt like a mundane teenager who got his heartbroken. Magnus wanted  to crawl into his bed right now and sink into the darkness of his room. WITH Alexander. He don't wanted to be alone . So he did what he told Alec and went to his best friend Cat. He stood in front of her door:" Magnus?" She was surprised when she opened the door because normally he would open a portal:" Hallo darling. Can I come in? " He doesn't wait for an answer and led himself in. He tried to play it all cool and chill:" What? I can't visit a good friend?" 

Magnus sat down on the leather armchair. Cat took her coffee and gave Magnus a cup, too. Than she laid down on her sofa:" So Magnus, tell me what's going on. " He tried to avoid her gaze. In vain. Cat knows him to well and so he told her everything what had happened. How he felt and that he didn't want to bother Alec. Cat couldn't restrain her laughter:" Cat. That's not funny." He narrowed his eyes. She stood up and dragged him from the chair:" It is funny, Magnus. Sorry. When you have such thoughts you should tell him that. I don't think Alec would be mad at you or thinks that you are a burden." 

She accompanied him to the door:" I love it when you visit me but I think you need to be somewhere else right now." "But... " Magnus was on the other side of the door before he knew it:" No but. Be a man, Magnus." She laughed again:" High Warlock of Brooklyn." She waved him off and closed the door. Magnus didn't know what to say or what to think. Maybe Cat was right and he should have told him. But he didn't and know he was alone and Alec was with some vampires but HE should be at Alec' site right now.

Magnus didn't want to go back home. There is everything empty and he would be alone. In the past when Alec and Magnus didn't knew each other Magnus didn't felt the emptiness and the cold feelings. But now with Alec the loft is warm and full with love. Magnus felt at home. But right now no one is there. No Alexander. He couldn't go back to Cat. Raphael? No option, Vampire meeting. He knows so many people but he only wanted to be with Alec and no one else. 

The sun went down. He don't had another choice, so he went back. When he was there it was like he thought. Emptiness. No Alec. Magnus sighed. When he had a little  bit of hope now it was gone . He poured himself cognac in a glass and went onto the balcony. The sun was gone and the darkness enveloped the city. It was not an unpleasant darkness or scary. It was more safely and relaxing. Magnus leaned against the railing, closed his eyes and took everything around him in with his senses. The noise of grills, the lukewarm air and the burning taste of cognac in his mouth.

 He opened his eyes again:" So, that was the magical day. I hope you liked it Alexander." His voice was sarcastic and sad. His thoughts about Alec were interrupted when his phone vibrated. It was a text from Alec. Magnus' eyes where wide and his adrenaline poured through his body when he saw the text....

Alexander: Magnus? I need you. Please you need to come here...
What does this mean? Alec was at the meeting with the vampires. Maybe something happened. Maybe Alec was hurt.! His phone vibrated again.... .
Isabelle: Please come to the Institute, Magnus. Now!
Magnus' heart was heavy. Without hesitation he opened a portal and couldn't believe what he saw on the other side.

When Magnus walked out of the portal he can't believe what he saw and where exactly he was. He was at the Institute. To be exact he stood inside the greenhouse. The light from the moon beamed through the glass dome and down on the flowers. At the edge of the road grew Moon Roses. On day they were dark blue but in the moonlight they glow light blue and sparkled.

 They enlightened the road. It was silent and nobody was there:" Hello? " No answer. Magnus walked along the path. He was captured by the Moon Roses. They were so beautiful. Magnus was decades old but it was fascinating how beautiful those little things still were. But no matter how beautiful it was he was worried about Alec after all. He walked, with bad thoughts in mind, along the small road. When the road ended he stood in the middle of the greenhouse. There stood an old tree and it looked like a willow. The whole tree grow little dark red flowers and they covered also the ground below. He heard how a violin started to play but Magnus' whole attention was elsewhere.

 Perfection and beauty. Purity and innocence:" Alexander..." Magnus' whispered soft and gentle. He could not say anything else. Alec stood under the old tree besides a round table with candles on it. It was a dinner. Everywhere where lights. It made everything even more romantic. Magnus' heart was so fast he had the feeling it would fell out his chest. His eyes were wide. Alec' clothes were elegant. He was wearing a white shirt and a black jacket. Everything was matching. 

Magnus could not believe it. Alec never wore something elegant when he had the choice but Magnus didn't mind. For him Alec was pure perfection. Alec was nervous and he tried to look straight into his boyfriend's gold green cat eyes:" Magnus..." Alec' voice was just a whisper, too.

Both stood facing each other and they looked into each other eyes. Hazel eyes hit green golden cat eyes. Alec was tense and nervous. He didn't move an inch. He didn't knew what to say and felt bad. It wasn't his intention to hurt Magnus' feelings. Every time when they are alone Magnus says Alec isn't only a Shadowhunter because he is a real angel but for Alec it was different. 

Magnus was the one who gave him a real life. He loved Alec for who he was and Magnus made him into this person. Magnus was his life, his sun, his moon and stars and his love.... HIS angel. But now he led his beloved boyfriend down and this cheerful smile vanished:" Magnus. I'm... I'm so sorry. Today I didn't want...this to happen. I... I-" Alec tried to find the right words but was interrupted by Magnus with a kiss. 

When Alec looked at the ground Magnus lay his hands on Alec' waist and kissed him again. Alec only noticed it when he felt and taste Magnus' lips. He loosened the kiss:" Why? " Magnus whispered and chased after Alec' lips:" Magnus. I'm so sorry. I-" He was interrupted again by Magnus' soft voice:" It's okay, baby. " He wanted to kiss Alec again but Alec pulled away:" Magnus, please..." His voice was concerned and Magnus kneow that it was important for his boyfriend so he let him speak without hesitation or interruption. But his eyes chased after Alec' lips. Alec took a deep breath.

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