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"Hello? Is it-yes, the light's on. I think that means that it's recording. Let's see...where do I start? Well, first of all, my name is Ben. Benjamin Kurby Tennyson from the realm 1.1119, alternate name "Soma Benton".

I've been dimension-hopping for a few years now, and it's gotten me in trouble more than once. I've also time traveled a while ago, but that's not important. There were a few 'spats' between dimensions, too, called the "Wreckonings", but they...they're also pretty irrelevant. Anyway, I like to go to different dimensions or realities or realms during my down time, although I normally find them while trying to keep someone from tearing apart the fabric of reality.

That's how this whole mess came to be. See, there was this dealer guy, kind of like a bipedal porcupine, his name's "Argit". He'd found a weapon from old stories, swearing to the stars it was real, and made to sell it. I was there only because some other low-lives, as well as the leader to an intergalactic armada, were there and I needed to keep tabs on things. I doubted that the weapon was real, but kept it in mind.

The weapon was called something like "Annihilator" and "barge", it's function was to delete an entire reality and leave it an empty void. Argot got his hands on it, tried to profit off of it, but accidentally set it off. I was saved from being erased only because I'd been in the form of a higher being, Alien X. In that form, I can make anything happen, so long as the two other personalities of the form and I are able to come to an agreement. It's nearly impossible to convince them. By the time I did, it was too late, all we could do was make a copy of what once was. I...didn't want that.

Remake the universe and walk around, surrounded by lifeless husks? Because that's what they would be; empty and lifeless, entirely hollow. As Alien X, I could feel the life essence of everyone and thing around me. Bacteria, the grass, the birds, the people. Mom and Dad. It was all whisked away, burned and obliterated! I-

      Sorry, I got a bit...loud there.

      No, I couldn't do that. I grabbed the nearest fistful of realities and yanked them closer, making us whole. Two, three, four, five? Maybe more? I don't know how many in total, but suffice to say there were a lot. Some of them fit nicely together, like Rex's and mine, others are only partially connected. I'm not a hundred-percent sure yet, but if I were to cross certain geographical boundaries, I can cross into another world. I learned that while I was flying, one second a recognized hero in Summer the next a strange beast in the Fall. It was disorienting, to say the least.

So far, I've found and talked with people from three realms. Only the people I'd known of or met before all of this are aware of the change, because now they-you-have multiple different memories of the past. For example, there'd been an enormous explosion of a research facility some years ago that devastated the world, spreading micro-no, wait, sorry-nanobots, that infected every living thing. These caused mutations, most of which happening in the span of a few seconds, turning what was once a perfectly normal individual into a violent, maddened beast. There was an organization for these sudden bursts in mutations, "Providence", but I'm detracting. "Providence" exists in my world now, as a separate branch of the organization I help out with, the Plumbers. Bad name, I know, but it's better than the "Secret Scientists" or the "Guys in White". I need to trash that last group fast....

Some people remember the event, some people don't. It depends on where that person is. If someone were to go to an area where, originally, had high E.V.O. activity and had been effected in the world it originally came from, they would have the set of memories from that world. If they're in my neck of the woods, they remember the armadas and invasions instead.

Here's where things get hairy; the walls between our realm are thin and getting thinner. It can't keep the otherworldly beasts out. If the last week is any indication, life will be getting a lot more tough for all of us. That's why I'm contacting you. I am personally delivering copies of this recording to the people I used as 'tethers', not just as an explanation, but as a warning. Be careful. Our enemies are probably going to catch wind of this soon, or be otherwise empowered, and we can't just sit back and wait for that to happen. Now, more than ever, we need to talk to one another.

      The day you find this recording, around noon, I'll show up at your door. If you decide you don't want to continue on with this ordeal, then you can ask me to leave. If you'd like to help out, ask questions, or meet the others, invite me in and we'll talk. Some of you are more mobile than others and won't need my help getting around. For those of you without some way to fly around the world, I'll give you an all expense paid trip to some place were we'll all meet. Don't ask how, just know that I make bank off of copyright stuff. People really like to merchandise me, and I get a nice percentage off of anything they use my appearance, history, or abilities in.
                                                     I just explained it, didn't I? Well, one-take-wonder, keep it rolling.

One last thing, I wouldn't share this message with anyone other than those I wrote on the disk. Just a friendly reminder, not a threat. I told my partner and some of my friends, so they took me off duty for a mental health break. I spent all of this Sunday in a mental hospital until I sort of gave up on them and ditched. They think I had a mental break down from the stress and suffered from a small delusion. Not. Fun.

We'll be in touch."

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