Chapter 2: First Contact

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//A:N// I have an AP exam tomorrow, I've written an essay everyday for the past two weeks, and my test anxiety is through the roof. IMMA WRITE! Also, this is mostly me practicing with the characters, trying to get a hold of their relationships and personalities. Also also, it took forever to think of something for them to bond over. Way too long. I eventually realized, 'Well, a lot of the characters have been shown to really like music' [but doesn't everyone] '-and they also all have a bunch of trauma. Trauma buddies!' And thus, this chapter emerged.
Update: I finished the exam with time to spare. Also, I spell checked this one and a half times. ONTO THE STORY!

      The room was of a fairly large size, looking to have been designed with formal business meetings in mind. In the center of the room was a large, empty space, although the difference of faint discoloration on the ground seemed to indicate that a large table had been recently moved for what might have been the first time since the building was first opened.

      Beside the wall nearest to the door was the table, long enough for a family of twenty to sit comfortably and with an oval top, on which various food items had been set precariously, every item seemed to be store bought. In place of the table at the room's center was a karaoke set, although it was currently unoccupied.

"Wow", said a boy with snow-white hair and murky, greenish pale skin, having just phased through the unlocked door, "Is this a meeting of heroes, or some eight year-old's birthday party?" He looked around, eyeing each person.

"We thought it would be best to break the ice and have some fun before anything crazy happened." Remarked a slightly older teen with olive skin, black sleek-back hair, and dark brown eyes. He wore a red biker jacket and orange-lensed goggles. He offered out a hand, "Hi, my name's Rex. This building is part of, well, what was my reality. Kind of glad to see the change, but moving that thing was a pain." He gestured towards the snack table with his other hand, internally cringing at how cold the undead boy's hand felt in his own, even through the gloves.

The white-haired teen smiled. A ringlet of light passed over him, leaving behind a lean-built, slightly lanky person in its wake. His hair changed to black and eyes, once a chemical green, were now a pale blue. His skin was light and lively. "I'm Danny, pleased to meet you."

"Oh, Phantom!" Called a voice Danny somewhat recognized. Both turned to see Ben, who'd been conversing with a bronze-skinned, aquamarine haired girl who looked older and more toned than even Rex. She eyed both of them, smiling a few seconds too late for it to have been a natural response. "That leaves Steven, Dexter, and the girls..." Ben muttered, more to himself then to anyone else.

"My sisters are carrying Dexter, they shouldn't be too long now." The virile-bodied girl assured.

Rex gave a hearty laugh, "The first non-charity party you've thrown, and only three guests show. Wow, Ben, you're worse then Six."

Ben gapped like an earthbound fish, "You did not just say that!" The mock-offense in Ben's voice only made Rex laugh harder, pleased with himself.

"Preeeetty sure I did."

The door opened, gently, politely, as though the newcomer were slightly bashful. "Sorry if I'm late." A teen as old as Rex and almost as tall voiced, "Lion was having some difficulty teleporting, considering..."

"Yeah, I'd imagine teleporting would be a bit difficult after the 'retcon'." Ben remarked assuringly. He noticed the box the other person held, "Whatcha got there?" He queried. "Oh, guys, this is Steven." A pause, filled with a curious glance by each person. "...You can let go of the door now." Ben eventually said after Steven remained attached to the entrance.

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