Chapter Three

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I slowly walk into Louis' dorm, looking around at everything. "Where are your dormmates?" I ask as he walks deeper into the room in front of me. It was weird seeing him dressed comfy. He was clad in a simple sweatshirt and jeans. I was in a long-sleeved shirt and leggings. Feeling the temperature of his dorm though, I feel as if I should have brought a sweatshirt.

"I don't have any." The other red deer states before sitting on a small couch with a table. "Well? Are you going to sit?" He asks. I make haste in sitting next to him on the couch, placing my backpack next to my feet. "What's your preferred study style?" Louis asks me and I shrug.

"I don't know, I've never studied before." Louis looks at me in shock.

"What?" She says a little loudly. I glance away.

"Growing up I didn't have to try to get a good grade. I just had to be there in class and I would get straight A's and 100's on my tests. I was the perfect student. That meant I never had to study. I started going here and that all changed. My grades started to slip, I had no idea how to fix it because I never needed to learn how to study... at this point, I've just lost all interest in learning." I shrug. "I'm just trying to pass." Louis lets out a breath after hearing my explanation.

"Three years of knowing you and you withhold this information from me? Are you actually that stupid? I could have aided you sooner" He finally says. I glare at him.

"That's all you have to say? Is that your go-to? To insult me and belittle me? If that is going to be how these study sessions go then I want no part in them." I say as I begin to grab my bag. Louis grabs onto my arm, stopping me in my tracks.

"That isn't what I meant. You've known all this time I could have helped you. We have been in the club together since day one." I pull my arm out of his grip.

"Let's just get this started," I mumble, pulling the necessary papers out of my bag and placing them on the table. I change my sitting position to criss-cross applesauce as Louis pulls out a bunch of stuff.

"I was going to ask what your preferred method of studying was but seeing that you don't have one, we're going to have to do trial and error." I nod mutely as he begins flipping through a packet.

We've been studying for a few hours now and I am completely bored out of my mind and Louis was getting frustrated. "[name], I've told you this already!" I rub my temples.

"I know! I know!" I exclaim. "I have the attention of a goldfish."

"That's insulting to goldfish." I blink, looking at Louis through my hand.

"Did you just make a joke?" I ask in genuine shock. "I mean, I understand that you insulted me... but still. You made a joke." Louis stares at me.

"You pick up on that but not what I've been repeating to you?" Louis asks me in distaste.

"Honestly you shouldn't be surprised. As you said, we've known each other for three years now." Louis rolls his eyes before leaning back into the couch. I pull my legs up to my chest, looking out of the window. "I'm sorry," I mumble.

"No, it's alright. I am simply pushing too much. I just-."

"Expect perfection. I know." I cut him off, looking back to him. "This is the first time we've hung out outside of school. We've only spoken in classes and the club." Louis and I were not close friends, hell, I don't even know if we are friends. We just happened to join the drama club on the same day and the rest is history. We had to talk, seeing as we ran everything, well, he did. I made sure the stage crew had things in order. Louis is silent for a moment before finally speaking up.

"Some are born great, some achieve greatness, and some have greatness thrust upon them." I stop looking at the window, turning back to face the fellow deer.

"Shakespeare," I reply quietly. Why would he be quoting him right now? I try to process and understand why but Louis stops me.

"I know you can achieve greatness. You are the one who leads when I am unable to do so since I am performing onstage. I've seen it. Do you wonder why I push for perfection? It's because I know it is possible." I shake my head, knowing that what he just said was bullshit. I grab my backpack and stand.

"Don't lie to me, Louis. We both know that's bullshit. You only care about your image." I give a scoff. "I mean, you're going to be the next Beastar right?" I hiss out before walking to leave the dorm. Louis stands, trying to come up with words.

"Now you know-" He begins to speak, but I cut him off.

"I'll see you tomorrow." With that, I walk out the door and down the hall with the full intention of going back to my dorm. 

𝑱𝒖𝒅𝒊𝒄𝒊𝒐𝒖𝒔 {Louis x F!Reader}Where stories live. Discover now