Spell To Find What Is Lost

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Use this spell if you have lost something and you need to find it. This spell is safe for all levels of witches.


It is proven to work.

Let's start!

Ingredients: A white candle, something to light the candle with, best done on a Sunday or a Monday, lots of concentration.

Light your candle and place it on your altar\table. While lighting it, think of the item you want to find. Then, walk around your house, room to room, and chant the following:

"I need what I seek, give me a peek, draw my eyes for my prize."

Keep chanting this over and over, pronouncing each word correctly and slowly. Let your eyes wander until you feel the need to go to a certain spot, or you feel drawn to a certain spot. Your item should be there! 

If you find your item, meditate with the item in your lap for a few minutes and thank the universe. Always give your thanks, spirits and supernaturals like that!

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