Spell To Find Your Element

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This spell will help you find your true element! This level is safe for all levels of witches.


It is proven to work! I did it and I got fire and electricity.

Let's start!

Ingredients: something to represent each element (ex. fire is a candle, water is a glass of water, earth is a leaf, air is a feather, darkness is your shadow, electricity is batteries, ice is an ice cube).

Place each object in a line in front of you and sit down. Close your eyes and calmly breathe. Relax your mind. Say the following:

"Spirits above I ask you now to guide my true elements towards me."

Sit quietly. If you feel hot, your fire. If you hear water flowing, your water. If you smell dirt, your earth. If you feel a slight breeze, your air. If you suddenly feel like your in a dark room, your darkness. If you hear small zapping sounds, your electricity. If you feel cold, your ice. 

You can be more than one element.

Have fun with this! It was so cool for me haha.

Let me know which one you are! Have a nice day :)   

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