Prolouge:Crash landing or new beginning?

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"I lost control of the vessel,it's going to crash,I lost all manual control,it'll be best if you do a take over. Alice can you hear me? Alice-"


Out of all my years piloting,I never thought I would crash,guess I got a little cocky huh?

Now,you're probably wondering who am I?

Well my name is Splasher,my past isn't important right now. Before I continue there's  three things you need to know about me;I'm a hybrid,that means my parents are different species,so I'm a bird demon with the ability to manipulate water,cool, huh?. I'm a skilled pilot,well usually I am. I've been flying the Frost Phoenix since I was 13,that plane was like a part of me. The last thing you need to know about me,I'm optimistic. Most people say I have my head in the clouds,that I won't get very far,but personally I think life is better when you live it moment by moment instead of dwelling on the little problems. I believe everyone has potential,yes even you the one reading this.

Ah-Yes another note,if you haven't noticed by now I write logs everyday,just to recap on the day I had and to help remember the small moments,I used to have way more but they were lost in the crash. So I decided to just simply start again,really glad I made that choice because what happened after that crash was the start of something amazing. What happened? Be patient, you'll find out eventually.-Splasher 



The Frost Phoenix crashed onto a nearby beach,raising a massive cloud of dust and parts upon impact.

Splasher took a deep breath and opened his eyes.

He saw nothing but darkness.

He tried to understand what was going on around him but it was hard with his ears ringing and his head pounding.

As he tried to move around a jolt of sharp pain went through his spine. He gritted his teeth, continuing trying to struggle himself free.

As he struggled and moved around more he started to feel something warm running down his body.

He was bleeding.

Who knows what damage the crash did to his body.

His heart started racing from fear. 

He started to thrash around desperately trying to get out. He didn't want to die like this 

A small bit of hope came when he spotted the faint glow of his plane's monitor glowing.

'Error please reboot system.'

The monitor was cracked severely and the screen was glitched out in parts,flickering every few minutes. Most notably though was,it was upside down.

Splasher instantly  put two and two together.

Everything was dark because the remains of the Frost Phoenix were upside down trapping him in.

Splasher reached for the controls and tried to reboot the monitor. He could call for help and most importantly have someone to talk to so he could pull himself together mentally.

 The monitor's state didn't change.

He laughed nervously,trying to hold back the tears starting to swell up in his eyes.

He was frozen in place,half in fear,half in pain.

Many incoherent thoughts and questions were racing through his mind,each louder than the last. One thought came clear,though

He had to get out from under the plane.

It was just upside down right?

He took a deep breath and tried to struggle free once again

The pain was nearly unbearable,but he was determined to get out.

He finally managed to get himself out of the cockpit.

He smiled as he thought he could see the outline of what was left of the plane's frame.

As he crawled forward bits of broken metal stabbed and scraped into him but splasher just kept crawling.

He grabbed for the edge of the frame and slowly lifted it up,as it lifted,bright light started pouring in. 

The relief and happiness of seeing the sun filled splasher with enough strength to lift the frame up enough to slip out.

His heart started racing with excitement.

"Im free…"



My plane is completely wasted,I don't think I'll be able to repair it. Shame..

Not to mention without the computer system I'm stranded on this beach. Come to think of it,where is this beach? Nothing around here looks familiar. I don't know why,but this doesn't actually bother me. I must still be dazed by the impact. Maybe I should investigate this area a bit and see if I can understand my situation a bit more.


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⏰ Last updated: May 10, 2020 ⏰

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