22 4 4

3rd of March-2007
London - England


"Oh I'm really going to miss you love." Nana says wiping tears of her cheeks.

"I'm so proud of you."

"I'm gonna miss you too Nana." I smile and hug her tightly and give her a kiss.

"So are you nervous?" she askes trying to smooth back some of my stray curls back into my messy bun.

"Just a little bit but I'll be fine."

"Of course you'll be fine. You're going to ace it in there. No doubt about that." she chuckles.

"You better get going before they start wondering if you've changed your mind dear."

"Of course Nana, always punctual." I say with a huge grin.

"Off you go now child, before I start crying again." She pats my shoulders.

"Bye Nana, I'm really gonna miss you. I had so much fun this summer." I hug her again.

"I had a great summer too. Good luck, not that you need it." she smiles at me, "you were always a smart kid, we've always known you had such a bright future ahead of you. Promise you'll call me every now and then. Won't you darling?"

"Yes, of course. I'll call or write to you as much as I can. I love you Nana."

"I love you too darling." she kisses both my cheeks and steps back towards her old beetles.

I take my suitcases and roll them down the drive way. I walk a few steps before I turn and wave good bye one last time. She waves back and gets in her car. I stand there for a few seconds and watch her drive away.

"Miss Deluca?" A petite woman in a baggy long skirt and throaty british accent asks me impatiently like this isn't the first time she called my name. How long have I been staring at the car? How many times did this lady call my name?

"That's me." I smile at her.

"Welcome to St. Peters boarding school. We hope you enjoy your stay here." she says giving me the impression that's not what she hopes at all.

"I hope so too."

I truly do.

"This way." she gestures and walks away without looking back, towards the huge mahogany door expecting me to follow her. So that's exactly what I do.

We enter through the huge door and I find my self standing in a spacious hall way. I see a grand stair case in the middle of the hall.

Wow this place is a lot bigger than what I'd expected. I've seen everything I could get my hands on on the internet when I checked the school's website. But apparently I didn't see everything because this place is gigantic. There are portraits lined up on both sides of the walls. The place is quite intimidating if I say so myself. This is like stepping into a whole different world for me. I never once had to leave home for more that a few days. And now here I am half way across the world from home. This is gonna be my life now.

"You can keep your luggages here. You'll take them with you when we come back." She points to the side where a large medieval style wooden chair sits which rather seems to be there for more aesthetic purposes.

I nod and walk to the chair and line up my suitcases against the wall beside it.

The petite woman whose name I have yet to discover walks straight towards the grand stair case with me following not far behind.

We finish going up the stairs and turn left towards a dead quite dark hallway. The place gives off a scary vibe. We can hear the clicks of our footsteps echo through the hallway.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 31, 2023 ⏰

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