bike rides

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mike wheeler hopped on his bike along with his best friend william, those two finally found some time to ride bikes together and it went pretty well for now. he rode fast, faster then he would usually do. Will was a few feet behind, yelling Mike's name and telling him to stop.

"come on Mike! wait for me!" he yelled, but all that Mike did was look back and take a sharp turn, not even focusing on the road in front of him, that's when he fell down next to some rocks and Will immediately rushed to help him.

"Jesus, Mike, I told you to go slower!" he ran to the boy once he hopped off his bike, he saw the whole thing and he tried his best to hold back a giggle. Mike was laying on the dirty road, groaning in pain as he hit his ribs. his knuckles were bleeding along with his knees. he pretty much scratched his whole body.

"come on get up." byers said and grabbed his best friend's hands to help him stand up. Mike cleaned himself from the dirt and little rocks that were all over his knees. "are you okay?"

"I guess..." boy mumbled, shrugging his shoulders as another response. "your knees and knuckles are bleeding." will said with a sad expression.

they began walking to wheeler's house so Will can clean him up, they left their bikes on the road, knowing that cars won't pass in this time of day. it was pretty sunny in summer 89' and everyone were on their breaks. Will and Mike now have time to hang out like in the old days, they were happy about it.

once they got home, Will told Mike to go straight in his bedroom and sit down on his bed, but to be careful and not get any blood on his clean sheets. he got some cotton pads and hydrogent so Mike won't get any bacteria in his bleeding wounds.

byers boy sat next to his best friend on the bed and tried to clean Mike's knees as carefully as possible. Mike could feel tears bubbling up in his brown eyes due the process, it was burning like hell. he gasped everytime Will would press the cotton pad soaked in hydrogen on his skin and hot tears were just about to slide down his cheeks.

"does it hurt?" Will glanced up at Mike and he gave him just a small nod. "it's gonna be done soon." and he was right, will finished his knees with putting classic beige bandaids on and moved on to his knuckles.

those got cleaned up pretty fast and Will, who was probably five inches smaller than Mike, looked up at him with slightly flushed cheeks.

"where else does it hurt?" he asked, "here..." Mike showed Will by running his hands over his ribs and brunette took a small breath before speaking again, "take off your shirt, let me see.". that was a pretty normal thing for Will to say, he was just worried and wanted to see was Mike badly hurt or not. but once Mike heard those words slip out of his best friends mouth, he blushes deep red under his frackles.

Mike mumbled something that didn't seemed like words and he couldn't look Will straight in the eyes with a face like that. he unbuttoned first two buttons of his yellow shirt before grabbing the bottom of it in his hands. Will grabbed them along with him and their eyes met once again. they successfully took off Mike's shirt to reveal his body as pale as moonlight, but his eyes dark and mysterious as night. you can easily get lost in them and he would immediately notice that, but wouldn't complain.

Will looked at his chest, now red and full of fresh bruises, he touched them gently, hearing whimpers and small cries escape from the taller boy. it looked like it hurt pretty badly, Mike seemed to take the pain not so good. "d-dont hurts." he mumbled and took his best friend's hands, removing them from his bruised skin.

as soon as mike did that, next few minutes were filled up with complete silence between them. they're both madly blushing and they didn't bothered looking away from each other's eyes. they've been best friends for years, yet they were still so in awe of each other, and it showed every time they looked at each other. Will enjoyed the look Mike gave him and Mike enjoyed the look Will gave him. he was still shirtless and Will would likely drag his small hands all over the boys pale chest. but Mike was holding them gently, rubbing his smooth skin with his thumbs.

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