pale moonlight skin

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a/n, before you read this, no, this is not byler or smut. it's a little madwheeler one shot that I decided to write. but please, if you want to continue reading my one shots that I'll post in the future, read this one. it will make much more sence. the next one shot is about byler ofc, and it immediately continues from where this one shot ended.

max and Mike were never that close. but lately, things between them sorted out. After years and years of hating each other, they finally started to get comfortable. they hang out alone sometimes, usually at night when Max forces Mike to sneak out. they would go on walks, talk about how much they hate cheerleaders from school (including Jane that's the part of the cheerleading team).

Mike will never understand why did they become closer, maybe because their boyfriends, lucas and will are extremely close? or because Max wanted to. Max was that bossy type of friend. when she is around Mike, she would usually force him to try new things with her, or him to do it alone with her support. and Mike is very different from max. his so sweet and innocent, but most of the time he would act like a biggest brat ever, max always wished she could shut him up, but Will does it instead. tonight, Mike had to sneak out of his bedroom, around midnight, through his window, hoping no one will notice in the house that he's gone for a few hours.

max was waiting for him outside with a slight smirk on her face as wheeler jumped out of the window, luckily, not falling.

"why did you wanted me to do this?" Mike whispered so none of his family members or neighbours could hear him.

"well, being with Billy alone sucks, especially when he has a girl tonight. I had to leave. I can't listen to them screaming" max explained and sat down on the sidewalk once they walked enough away from Mike's house.

"and?" wheeler raised his eyebrow. "why do you wanted me to hang out with you?" he sat down right next to her.

"why not?" redhead smirked with a chuckle and after a minute or so, she pulled away a pack of cigarettes. they were not hers, Billy's. but she stole them since max didn't had enough money to buy them herself. she knew Billy is gonna take his anger on her, but max got used to it.

it's not like her stepbrother is beating her, but he yells at her and always punches the walls close to her head. he never really hurt her to the point shes bleeding or having a black eye.

"you are gonna smoke?" wheeler asked with a surprised tone. he didn't knew why was he surprised, max has done other things, worse than smoking, so it's not a big deal.

she pushed open the top of the pack with her thumb. Mike watched curiously as max placed one between her glossy red lips. "wanna try? never smoked, pretty boy?" she handed him the pack.

Mike shook his head, blushing in a pretty shade of light pink under his freckles at the nickname, 'pretty boy', "I-I don't think I should".

max couldn't help but laugh softly at that, "you don't wanna try a single cigarette?" she raised an eyebrow and Mike shook his head once again.

max rolled her eyes playfully and lit the cigarette with a lighter, then inhaling deeply. she looked at Mike and opened her mouth enough for her to exhale a thick cloud towards his face.

Mike was found coughing at the unpleasant smell of max's cigarettes for about a minute, and she giggled at it, but max continued to smoke. Once Mike stopped he sat there in silence, he didn't complained how unpleasant and disgusting the smell was, but he really didn't enjoyed it.

he watched her smoke with a curious look. and while he did, he also admired Max's beauty. she looked so pretty. especially under a dark, greysh moonlight that was shining directly on her. girl's pale white tan was matching perfectly with the atmosphere and her long ginger hair getting in her face as warm summer wind blew. it made wheeler blush. but, Mike didn't liked her. he of course had a boyfriend, Will, since the day he fell off and had a tragic bike accident. that's when it all started. First, they fucked, because they couldn't resist and miss the chance. and later, that same day, they admitted how in love they are with each other.

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⏰ Last updated: May 03, 2022 ⏰

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