Part Five - Shifting Tides

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*Slow upload speed ahead for a few weeks, I'm going on vacation. I may write while I'm there, but no guarantees. Sorry this takes so long to write.

- donivan shire -

I look into the sky, following the gaze of the others. A fleet of jets flew overhead, dropping something from their cargo doors. They were headed in our direction, as well.

"Holy shit!" Arrow exclaims, more surprised than I'd ever seen him before. Chee is the first to bolt towards the car we'd.. erm, inherited, and the rest of us follow suit soon after. He unlocks the car and we pile in, trying to squeeze ten people into a car capable of five people. It's not comfortable, but it's not the priority.

     "That doesn't look good!" Lucas exclaims, and we look behind to see guards rushing out of the complex. Shots fire towards our car, and ducking was the only option.

     "No shit!" Arrow responds, slamming the key into the ignition and turning it. The vehicle roars to life as Arrow immediately slams it into gear. Bullets strike the rear of the car as we launch out of the parking spot and race to the gate. "Hold On!"

     Meredith pushes her hands out towards the gate as Arrow rushes towards it with the car. She manages to bend it slightly, but not enough. Arrow slams on the brakes, but it's not quite enough. "Brace!" Claire screams, as the car slams into the gate.

     A sudden jolt flies us forward, colliding with seatbelts and everything in the car. The gate had given way to the car, but the car had been fucked up in return. I open my eyes, looking around at the mess that had been made.

"G-guys!" I hear from Chee, as she stumbles out of the car. I try to stand up, grunting at the feel of a small glass shard in my leg. This hurt way more than it should. "Is everyone ok?"

     "Y-yeah," I sigh, reaching for the glass and ripping it out quickly. I immediately regret it, though, as the sheer level of pain makes me double over in agony. Slowly opening my eyes as the pain dies down, I see the shard on the ground, out of my leg. Thankfully, I was ok. Standing up and being mildly successful, I hobble over to Lucas and help him to his feet.

As if a cue that we had run out of time, a sonic boom blows into our ears as the missiles near their target. The earliest one flies right into the courtyard of the compound, and the explosion that follows knocks us all down yet again. Pieces of the building launch high into the sky, or simply implant on the surrounding wilderness. One car in the parking lot is launched hundreds of feet high, falling like an anvil into a tree to the west.

"We- we have to go!" I cry, pulling Selina to her feet and trying to avoid stepping on glass. This was all simply too much to deal with right now. I'm sure my mental breakdown would come soon, but it wouldn't right now.

Claire's, however, came right now. Val launches her to her feet as we sprint away from the destroyed compound. The second rocket slams down just behind the compound, annihilating the park we had used earlier that day. The evening sun had begun setting as the last three rockets could be seen. Looking at them, the central one wasn't moving left or right like the others. It seemed.. stationary.

That's when I realize it's coming right for us. "Guys, it's headed this way!"

"What?" Lucas screams, clearly losing his shit right now.

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