Chapter Nine

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Everyone had taken the news quite well. Initially everyone in the office was shocked, but then gradually as Shayne started to talk more about his daughter everyone was just... used to it.

It made Shayne feel more relaxed because he felt he wasn't carrying around this huge secret anymore. Everyone had been offering support and help and Ian even offered him time off work when Ava moves in with him.

Courtney had strangely felt distanced from Shayne since the office had found out. The secret that only they shared was now public information, and Shayne would speak to anyone about Ava rather than just Courtney.

It seemed they were almost growing apart, yet only a few weeks ago they were making out on Shayne's sofa.

Courtney instead, threw herself into planning this graduation for Shayne. She had enlisted Damien and Sarah's help and the entire ceremony was planned and a date was set.

She spent weeks organising the right time and inviting all his friends, getting a robe shipped in, creating a fake diploma for him and so much more.

Then the day had finally come that she was standing up in front of a room full of people explaining the roles everyone had and the order of events. Damien, Sarah and Ian were following her lead and she felt confident she could pull this off.

Ava was there, with Anna in the back too. It was being filmed so they weren't visible on camera but they were sat right at the back waiting.

"What the f— what?" Shayne looked overwhelmed with the crowd that greeted him as he entered the studio, decorated to look like a graduation.

His eyes immediately went to Courtney and knew this was all her doing. She gave him a huge smile and began putting his gown on while he took in the sight of everyone cheering for him.

Some of Courtney's speech was going to be cut out the video because she did want to bring to light his current situation but not for the cameras.

She was nervous when Sarah announced she was next. Her hands visibly shook as she unfolded the paper but, when she glanced across at Shayne and he was smiling widely it gave her the confidence to continue.

"Wow I can't believe I'm attending the graduation of biggest school procrastinator in history! 10 plus years you've had an on and off relationship with an online school and the most nudity you've seen is in the men's locker room at a 24hr fitness."

She got a few laughs but her nervousness was showing still.

"I'm not really good at roasting because my job requires me to be so pc that I'm afraid to say anything that isn't sweet and playful and targeted toward 15 year olds. Punch that bell like she said." Her confidence grew with every word and she began enjoying reading out her speech.

"But I gotta say, I admire your perseverance. I mean I couldn't even go half a semester at community college and to think you were able to balance school, Smosh, the goldbergs and ghost writing all my funny tweets or as the fans seem to fucking think."

She desperately wanted to mention the elephant in the room but something had to be good and funny for the camera.

"You know, you and I are pretty competitive most of the time. I'm always trying to be better than you, but if you think I'm going to take over a decade of online school, spending thousands of dollars, that's all you, I don't need to do that."

That got a roar of laughs and she felt the confidence rush over her yet again right before she had to get to the serious bit.

"In all seriousness though, we all know how hard the last few months have been for you and I can probably say from everyone here, how proud we are of you. Not only are you a great friend and colleague, but you're now also an amazing father." Courtney hummed closing her eyes gently and then looking in Shayne's direction to see him smile calmly now.

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