Chapter 2

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Yuto's P.O.V

As Ruri and I were walking I was deep in thought about the thing around Milotic's neck it bothered me a lot I didn't even notice Ruri was talking to me until I heard her call my name I snapped out of it saying: "Sorry Ruri I zoned out." She asked: "Why?" I said: "Well when Dennis let out his Milotic I noticed it had something around his neck and it's been bothering me." Ruri said: "Maybe it's one of those special collars?" I said: "Maybe your right I shouldn't worry about it if it's something like that." I mean some people do put collars on their pokemon but I wasn't one of them there weren't any laws to put a collar on your pokemon then again the only people who did do it only showed off how pretty it looks on their pokemon aka the rich people I didn't understand why since the pokemon looks uncomfortable wearing it, but Dennis' Milotic didn't appear to be uncomfortable wearing it. Anyways Ruri and I were talking as the sun started to set Shaymin turned back into her landform which she got into the bouquet of garcidea flowers fall asleep I smiled and kept walking and talking with Ruri until we reached her outside once we did we both waved good-bye to each other and I said: "Say hi to Shun for me!" Ruri said okay and I left home once I got home I gently took Shaymin out of the bouquet of Garcidea flowers using my magic to teleport the flowers into a flower pot I set Shaymin on her bed then taking my eye patch off, before letting the rest of my pokemon out I got their food and gently woke Shaymin up so I can give her the food for her to eat, after they ate I washed my hands before making my Dinner as I ate suddenly I heard an explosion I jumped out of my seat as my pokemon looked worried I quickly ran outside only to see people using their Pokemon to destroy heartland city I even saw the Legendary pokemon Yvetal turning people into stone by using oblivion wing which is a move that when your hut by it Yvetal takes your life force and you turn into stone. My eyed widened as I quickly returned all my pokemon I grabbed Shaymin and ran as fast as humanely possible keeping my right eye closed since I didn't have time to grab my eye patch I quickly ran into Ruri thank god she was okay as she was wearing different clothing saying that we needed to go I nodded as I grabbed her arm and started to run with her as we saw more people destroying the building as the city was going up in flames Ruri told me where to go then suddenly a pokemon attacked us I pushed Ruri out of the way letting Shaymin go as I was hit and I fell down from the pain a person wearing a uniform came out saying: "Academia will destroy this City and dimension!" The pokemon was about to attack me again but suddenly I heard the words: "Staraptor use Brave Bird!" I knew that voice it was Shun! As Staraptor came down hitting the pokemon hard Shun picked me up saying to Ruri: "Let's go Ruri!" She nodded and Shun took us outside the city to Saya, Allen, Kite and a few other people were at.

Saya said after she saw us: "Thank god you three are okay we thought you guys were turned to stone." Ruri said: "I couldn't leave the city without Yuto." Shun said: "It was still too dangerous for you to do that Ruri you could have turned into stone!" Ruri and Shun started to argue I sighed annoyed by it as Kite took me out of Shun's arms and took me where we were they keep their medical stuff as he gently put me down he said: "I'm gonna check for wounds, tell me when it hurts okay?" I nodded as he started to check when he touched my leg I jumped in pain as Kite said: "the pokemon really hit you hard just rest for a while okay." I nodded as I can still hear Ruri and Shun arguing then it hit me I dropped Shaymin when I pushed Ruri away from the pokemon I had to find Shaymin I started to get up but Kite tried to hold me back saying: "Yuto stop you need to rest!" I said: "But I need to get Shaymin! She out there along those pokemons are fire types! They can hurt her or kill her!" My yelling must have stopped Shun and Ruri from arguing since I didn't hear them and I was fighting with Kite to get up to look for Shaymin suddenly Ruri came in and she was holding Shaymin I finally calm down as Kite sighed in relief that I calmed down before I could make my leg worse, Ruri put Shaymin down as she went to me as I held Shaymin as Kite said: "We need you to rest for now Yuto." I nodded as Kite picked me up taking to where they were they made for people to sleep and I was gently holding Shaymin before falling asleep.

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