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twenty-four, MESSAGES

twenty-four, MESSAGES

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my rockstar 🎸 hey

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my rockstar 🎸

my girl 💞

my girl 💞
not to be mean or anything
but um...what the fuck are
you texting me for?

my rockstar 🎸
i wanted to check on you

my girl 💞
check on me?

my rockstar 🎸
yeah i know how much jules
meant to you, and i saw
tiktokroom and just wanted to
check up on you

my girl 💞
i- 🥺

my girl 💞

my rockstar 🎸
so are you okay?

my girl 💞
funny that you ask that

my rockstar 🎸

my girl 💞
it's not like you accused me of
using you, dated the girl you told
me not to worry about, who continues
to throw shade at me, and oh it's not
like you completely broke my heart

my girl 💞
you had over a month to check
on me, you didn't care then and
i don't really believe you care now
i'm not buying it

my rockstar 🎸
i know i was an asshole,
i know there's still a lot of
unresolved stuff between us and
that's my fault

my rockstar 🎸
i want to fix that, on top
of wanting you to feel better
about jules because i know you,
and i know this whole thing is
bothering you and getting you

Starstruck ♱ Jaden HosslerWhere stories live. Discover now