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"Kylo Ren." I growl, glaring at him through the hologram. He glances at me, a small smile breaking his lips. "Where are you?"

"If I told you, you'd kill me." I cross my arms.

"I'm already going to kill you, Ren." He curses quietly, throwing a glance behind him. "Where. Are. You."

"Trying to navigate through a nebula." My jaw drops.

"You what?" He sighs.

"There's no way I'm letting Palpatine get to you, Amica Mea." He winks. "I'll be fine." Then the connection is cut. I stomp my foot, letting out an angry sigh.

"Luella?" I look over to see Temiri standing in the doorway. "Can I-" He pauses, struggling for the words in basic. "Have help?" I crouch down, resting a hand on his shoulder.

"Of course you can." He takes my hand and leads me to the training room.

"The forms." He says sheepishly.

"Oh, yeah of course!" I move to take my lightsaber from my belt but a voice stops me.

"Practice is gonna have to wait!" Cardo calls as he passes the training room with everyone at his heels.

"Where are we going?" I demand after muttering an apology to an excited-looking Temiri and pulling on my cloak. Trudgen grins at me.

"Hunting. Ren's orders." I roll my eyes.

"You guys know he went after Palpatine alone?" Ushar laughs, and everyone nods. I cross my arms. "Great. I just love being kept in the dark." Vic chuckles, draping an arm across my shoulders.

"Don't be sarcastic, my dear. I have a present for you." I prop my hands on my hips as he pulls away. "I had Albrekh make this for you." He hands me a box, which I open.

"A helmet?" I pull it out, chest tightening. "Thank you, Vicrul." I pull it over my head, and Vic presses a button on the side, which opens up the front of the helmet. I grin up at him.

"Are you two done? Ren wants the head of this guy." Kuruk drawls from his seat. I make a face at him as I approach, pulling off the helmet. I drop it on the holotable, smoothing my hair into a tight braid. After tying it off, I lean my elbows on the back of his chair.

"Where are we going?" I ask, tapping my knuckles on the top of his head.

"The Sinta Glacier Colony." He says, smacking my hand away. "One of the overseers there just gave the Resistance important intel. Ren wants him to be made an example of." I shrug, trying not to think about it too much.

"Why does Ky want me here again?" Kuruk exchanges a grin with Cardo from across the room.

"Our little Luella's finally growing up." Cardo says, brushing away an imaginary tear before laughing. "You're in charge of this mission." Making a face, I cross my arms.

"Why am I in charge?" I gesture to the six men in the room with me. "You all are experienced fighters. I'm still learning."

"Kid, we're all still learning." Ushar grunts from his spot in the corner. He juts his thumb at Trudgen. "This one's still learning to clean the blood off his damned vibrocleaver." Trudgen glances up from his datapad incredulously.

"Ushar, that was years ago and it was a Death Trooper's blood."

"Yeah, yeah." Ap'lek pats him on the shoulder. "We know how proud you are of that." I snort, turning back to Kuruk, ignoring their continued argument.

"How far out?" I ask, leaning against the wall with my arms crossed. The older Knight of Ren taps a few buttons and flicks some switches on the console before glancing up at me.

"Half an hour, give or take." I nod silently. "Hey," He's quieter now, speaking just to me. "Don't be nervous. Remember, you led the Cantonica mission?" I laugh sharply, startling him.

"Kuruk, that mission was a disaster. Ap'lek almost died because of me."

"Luella. We all know death. We've fought beside her our entire lives, and we've known her too intimately to fear the day she comes for us." He takes my face in his hand. "Chin up, soldier. You are a Knight of Ren." I chew on the inside of my cheek.

"I don't want to make a mistake." He chuckles.

"Making mistakes is what makes a person worth knowing." 

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