Chapter Five: Devil's Ice

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[Yeah. Hi. Did I forget to mention that I am a musical theatre nerd who really loves Thomas Sanders? Probably. Anyway, enjoy.]

Carrie was awoken from her sleep by the sound of her bedroom window opening. When she opened her eyes, she saw... him... coming into her room through her window. Immediately, Carrie got up to defend herself.
"What are you doing?" Carrie whispered, trying not to wake her mama.
Jason Dean put his hands up defensively, which was ironic because he was the one breaking into Carrie's bedroom. "Easy, darling. I left my gun at home," he said seriously, "I just wanted to take you out for a late night treat."
Carrie was dumbfounded. How could this boy think that she would want to get a "treat" in the middle of the night, much less with him? "Why?"
"Does there have to be a reason?"
Carrie looked at him, still wary of the intruder. "Yes!" she whisper yelled, careful not to wake up her mama.

Jason Dean smirked and held out his hand. "You seem like you need more thrill in your life," he began, "and there's nothing more thrilling... than a Seven-Eleven at this time of night."


"No," Carrie said.

Jason Dean got closer to her and took her hand. Leading her to the open window, he pointed to his motorcycle down below. "You still wanna go back to sleep?" he asked with a smirk on his face.

Oh no.


Somehow, Jason Dean had convinced Carrie to get changed into different clothes and climb out of her window. Now, they were riding off into the night as Carrie held Jason's waist tightly.

The boy chuckled as he turned the bike to the left. "I knew there was some spark of rebel in you," he said over the spattering of his engine.

"I'm not a rebel," Carrie denied, "I don't want to upset my mama, Jason."

Turning right, Jason furrowed his brows in deep thought. Due to the fact that the girl couldn't see him, she had no idea that he was actually trying to find a way to phrase the next few words carefully: "Does she get upset often?" Carrie didn't answer.

Why should I tell him something that he doesn't need to know, she thought as he pulled up to a 7-Eleven. "Lord, forgive me," Carrie muttered.

Jason smirked at her words and held out his hand. "Your highness," he dubbed the anxious girl as she hesitantly took it. He led her inside the store and the bell dinged, signaling their entrance. "Follow me," said the boy as he guided her to a machine her mother had warned her about. The Devil's Ice machine. "Now, this is what you need to get that spirit up to..." Carrie tuned his voice out as she started to think the worst.

Mama's gonna kill me, then him. No, she'll kill him in front of me, then she'll kill me. No, she'll-

"Try it. I promise you'll like it," Jason said as he held out a red slushie, but Carrie still felt the fearful voice inside her growing as she stared at the beverage in front of her. "What?"

Carrie averted his irritated gaze as she mumbled, "Devil's Ice."

Jason furrowed his brows and repeated his first question.

"It's Devil's Ice," she repeated back a little louder.

He chuckled. "What?"


He clamped a hand over her mouth and whisper yelled, "Hey! Keep your voice down."

She forced his hand away and said, "Mama will keep me in my prayer closet for a long time if she ever finds out that I had Devil's Ice."

Instead of being understanding, JD laughed and said, "Then let's be hell spawn, darling." He took another cup and got a slushie of his own as he started to hum an unfamiliar tune. Carrie was so nervous that she almost squeezed her slushie-

Wait, she thought. I don't remember grabbing this.

It was almost as if JD heard her thoughts. He smirked as he grabbed a pair of straws for the two of them and ushered her to the register. "You're overthinking yourself, angel," he said as he paid for their treats.

"It's Carrie."


She repeated herself while they walked out of the store. "You can't call me those names. My mama won't allow it."

They both sat down to enjoy their drinks. Well, it was JD who enjoyed his drink more than Carrie as they both started to spill their deepest, darkest secrets: their life stories.

"What's a prayer closet?"

And both of them realized that they actually had much more in common than even JD had imagined.

Which we'll explore in the next chapter! I did it! I updated it! LET'S GO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 23, 2021 ⏰

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