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"What are you doing in New York?"

"Working. Saving money."

"To what?"

"I'm planning an one year trip."

An one year trip. Heart aching again. Less than two days.

"What?" she asks confused since my face lost the amused look suddenly.

"Nothing." I try to change my expression, shaking my head to keep the dark thoughts away. "That's very nice." I say with the nicest smile I can over my lips.

"Yes." she nods and also smiles happily, clearly super excited about her future plans.

"Do you want to go somewhere?" I ask Lisa and she shrugs. If in the beginning she was annoyed, now I see joy in her eyes. Even though she's trying to don't seem very fazed about my sudden friendly approach I can feel that she also is staring at me too long to be bugged by my presence or my questions.

"Do you want to feed the ducks at Central Park? Do you want to watch a movie? Do you want to rob a bank?" I ask and she giggles.

"I'm hungry." she says nodding her head.

"Ok, so let's go to..." I look around and my eyes rest on the big red board a few streets away. "McDonalds." I point to the side we should start walking.

"Ok." she nods and we make our way there. In our way she tells me a curiosity about one of the buildings around us and I can't help but keep my fixed stare on her lips while she talks. I hope she didn't see me biting my lip gazing at her.

We weirdly ask for the same damn thing to eat and we laugh about it, of course. Apparently, we laugh about everything. That almost makes me forget about the flying counting and decreasing numbers above her head.

"I'll pay for you." I say and before Lisa can say anything I'm paying for our food.

"Are you trying to buy me?" she asks while she grabs her tray and we make our way to one of the tables.

"Why would I buy you if I have you kidnapped?" I ask as we take a seat. She sits in front of me, and here I am stuck looking into her eyes again.

"Good point." she says and eats a fry. "You're a nice kidnapper." she smiles at me.

"I know." I shrug and return her gentle smile. She is drinking her Coke, staring down, and I'm staring at her, what seems all I can do for now. Her eyes come up and she caught my stare fixed on her.

I see her lip edge flexing on an almost invisible smirk.

"Your eyes are so beautiful. It's breathtaking, really." I say, still totally amazed by the color in them, that even seem different now, but still unbelievably gorgeous. The outline of her iris is dark, in the middle of it the colors seem to dance between the hazel, blending together thin lines of solid gold, a deeper and lighter brown and even yellow when going closer to her pupils. If those colors were on a painting just like that, would be a master piece, and I would totally buy it.

"Thank you. I know." Lisa says and smirks at me. I chuckle at her words. Of course she knows her eyes are mesmerizing.

"I'm sure I'm not the first person to say it."

"No." she says between a timid smile. "But I like the way you say it." she says sounding seductive and sweet at the same time. Sounding genuine above all.

"I like the way they look at me." I reply because that's the plain truth.

"They like looking at you." she answers and I feel my cheeks getting red again. I feel like a shy kid exposed in front of the entire class and I look down, diverting her deep stare.

Counting Seconds - Chaelisa (CONVERTED)Where stories live. Discover now