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"Hey! That was fast." she answers and giggles.

"Can I come over?" I blurt out and she waits a bit before answering and I feel a total loser.

"Yes, sure." she answers and my air leaves my lungs finally.

"Ok." I answer and she hangs up after saying she'll be waiting for me.

"Hi, nice seeing you again, you look all grown up." she jokes as she opens the door for me two minutes after my call.

"You too." I reply chuckling and she motions for me to get in her apartment. The place smells as good as her and I'm surprised when something jumps on my legs and I look down to face a small white kitten.

We laugh seeing the excitement of the kitten for knowing someone new and Lisa introduces her to me. Luca is her name. She asks for me to leave my thick coat beside the door and we move to the living room.

"So... do you want to watch Netflix, maybe?" she asks after we take a seat on the couch, the tiny Luca playing with me.

"Yes. Can be. I love Netflix." I say laughing because of the dog.

"Ok." Lisa smiles and stands up to take her laptop and plug it with the TV so we can watch it better. We choose to watch some episodes of Friends and Lisa laughs at me because I keep saying some lines before the characters.

"That's stupid Rachel, we were all babies once." I say the line before Phoebe and I crack up, Lisa joining me as Phoebe says it with her priceless face.

"I love this line more than life." I say as I keep laughing. The episodes keep coming and I don't see the time passing.

Lisa laughs and leans her body on mine, placing her hand in my shoulder and laughing against it many times. I laugh loudly at the scenes, but I'm paying attention to her touching me. She laughs again and this time she places a hand on my thigh. Tapping it lightly as she's still laughing and I don't know anymore if I'm giggling at her or at Janice yelling "Oh my God". I turn my face to look at her beside me, chuckling, staring at the screen, and she notices my fixed stare. She looks at me and I kiss her again. She answers me in the same second and I slid my tongue on her bottom lip so she can let me taste her mouth fully. She agrees by connecting our tongues and I quiver again at the touch. She's cupping my cheeks and she pulls me with her as she leans her body back down on the couch to lie against it.

She hooks one of her legs around my waist and I'm standing on top of her, kissing her sweet lips attentively. Our tongues are sloppy and rushed against each other, but it feels amazing along with our rubbing centers. She's wearing her thin pajamas shorts. Her hand is traveling over my lower back and she slides it to under my shirt. She's stroking lightly with her nails and it makes my pulse flutters.

My hands are moving by themselves now and the right one runs to under Lisa's shirt, on her breast. I cup it above her bra and she grabs tighter on my waist. She presses down her leg hooked on me to bring our throbbing centers closer and thigh is applying pressure where she needs it.

I feel totally lost by the feeling of kissing her, but suddenly I remember what will happen in less than a day now. I tremble on top of the girl I met today, but I wish I could have by my side for a long time, considering what I know about her already.

"What?" she asks quietly and sounding worried, parting our flushed rosy lips, noticing that my hand left her breast and I'm kissing her slowly.

"Nothing." I say, but my voice is showing that I'm not fine.

Her hands leave my back and she cups my cheeks. She looks me in the eyes and kisses my lips many times, her soft lips feeling so good against mine. She gives me a last kiss on the lips and I rest my head on her chest, almost on the crook of her neck. I'm lying on top of her and it feels so cozy. The fact that we meet six hours ago seeming to have no importance. She asks me to press play to the next episode, because the one we were watching ended while we were kissing. I do it and we keep watching it like that. Feeling our giggling chests and stomachs against one another. It feels heart warming.

Counting Seconds - Chaelisa (CONVERTED)Where stories live. Discover now