I have about me getting married to more than one person in my life time and that a perfect day of the world . The name of the people I am in love was a girl and boy but I don't know should I tell you guys their name just yet .
The first day was that I just met the beautiful person ever in the world but she told me that she had a bad past with people that she fell Inlove with before meeting me. Me and Her talked for a while that afternoon so we talked about her favorite color and other favorite things in the daylight there we spend talking and talking about thing that we get to know about each other and we became friends and more than that but we both had truth issue with the previous lover before this day.
Next day I had to go shopping and guess who I met there and the girl I met at the restaurant that night . So people can make a mistake or a issue that other can't wait to gossip about in their life time of the world . The girl I met at the grocery store was about to become my wife and spend a lot of time and talking with her while shopping for food to cook a meal that I am having a small party or get to together with friend and family , then would you like to come over and spend the night at my house and in the morning you can leave with out seeing me again and I had a fun night of playing a game with you and my other friend but what up ,are you okay please tell me . So i actually have feeling for you and I would like to ask you , "Would you like to go on a date with me" ? You don't have to say yes right away and I will give you time to think about and please don't say that you have to stay right now and think about a answer from me right at this moment as always you make me smile when I am down with you right now and today morning . Can I please see you tomorrow and I have something to tell you when I see you tomorrow at 4:30 pm okay , I have to go to home and I will call you and see you at 4:30 pm tomorrow afternoon . And can I ask you a question about when you ask me to think about having feeling for you . So then i mention before that if I should tell you guys their name of the people I love and can't live without in the world .