What Type Of Underground Mafia Shit Did I Just Walk Into?

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     Sighing I worked my way through the crowd.

I was dashing through a busy street, trying desperately to find someplace to eat.

A low-pitched grumble escaped my stomach and I gripped the fabric in sorrow. 
“Hey babe! This place serves some great food! Let’s go eat!” A man’s voice tumbled through the crowd and I snapped my head to the source.

Thankfully he was quite tall and as he snatched his smiling girlfriend's hand I quietly followed.

I was new to the area so I wasn’t sure where to go for food.

My stomach rumbled again and I squashed down my embarrassment as someone looked over to me. 
The place they walked into was old looking. The wood dulled and the design was a bit old with overgrown plant life on the apartments above.

But it looked quite cozy and well-loved.

Shuffling my way through the overcrowded street I finally reached the doors.

Practically falling through I caught myself before I face-planted.

The restaurant was quite crowded and I briefly thought of finding somewhere else.

But no, as my stomach attempted to eat itself I knew finding somewhere else wasn’t an option. 
“The streak combo please. The one that will make us see the light.” A man in front of me said, his group of three boys looking around curiously.

One was tall and looked to be in his twenties, a black suit adorning his frame.

The other was a short kid in all green, a fishing rod in his backpack.

Then there was a blonde that was about my height, he wore some sort of blue over cloth and eggshell white underneath.

Were they new here as well?

If that’s so then maybe the steak combo was a good starter meal?

“Grilled slowly over a low flame till done, please.” The man said slyly.

When they left, the man turned to me. I blinked and watched them curiously

“Well? what do you want?” He said impatiently and I shook myself from my daze. 

“I’ll have what they were having, I’m new here so I don’t really know the menu and that steak combo sounds really good. Grilled slowly over a low flame sounds delicious.” I smiled politely, but he seemed rather surprised and stared me down.

Confused, I pointed to where the group had gone to find a seat. 

“Um…can I have the steak combo please? The one that will make me see the light?” I tried again.

Was I not asking right? Did he not understand me? 

“Coming right up, proceed to the back room.” He eyed me suspiciously and I tried to shake the uncomfortable feeling growing in my gut.

I looked around, the restaurant seemed full, that's why he’s sending me to the back.

For more seating arrangements. 

Right.’ I sarcastically replied to myself, shoving down my growing panic.

I left for the back room and opened a door. Inside was an empty room with one table.

Ok. This is some weird gangster shit so I’mma just leave.’

But then my stomach grumbled and I pushed the growing unease down.

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